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Playground improvements continue!

Today, more painted flowers were attached to the school perimeter fence.  They are so colourful and look very welcoming when all arrive in the morning.  The paint team got started today in the shelter shed.  They painted the first coat of paint to prepare for painting a mural.  The mural has been designed by pupils and will be painted over the next few weeks.

Other pupils were planning a community litter pick that will take place later this term.  Look out for posters in the village asking for helpers!

Last week of term has begun!

Such a good way to start the last week of term! The senior citizens who were interviewed and filmed by the P5s & 6s came to school today for the official preview. The film is a valuable addition to the historical archives of Monymusk with information about life at school, during the war, being a child 80+ years ago and how things have changed. A project to be proud of.

In the afternoon the P4-7 class were busy again, but this time performing their musical, dramatized version of Katie Bairdie. This updated version has Katie wanting to sell her animals for an IPad but the animals take her to court! We have been so fortunate to have Radio Scotland’s Frieda Morrison, with Margaret Hearne and Sharon Hasson working with the pupils.  It was an extremely funny performance! A video will be shared in the near future.

We hope to see you tomorrow at our Mathematics and Science Open event sharing our learning from this term. 😀