Fairtrade Meeting

The Fairtrade group of pupils and staff held their second meeting this term. A large group of enthusiastic Fairtrade reps and Vice reps attended to discuss how the group could promote fair-trade Fortnight which runs from 23 February – 8 March 2015. One of the ideas was a Fairtrade newsletter, which is currently being produced and will hopefully be printed and distributed next week.

The group came up with many exciting ideas, and are looking forward to introducing them to the rest of the school in February!

Nursery News!

The nursery have been learning about water. 

They decided that they wanted to make a pond in their garden. To find out more about making a pond they went to The Gordon Schools and saw their pond and that gave them a big inspiration about what they wanted to do with their pond. They have been working as a team to make a little pond in the garden and have put a lot of things into the pond. They are learning how to keep the pond nice and tidy.

The nursery children have been learning about washing their hands.They have been making a lot of things and learning about what happens to objects when they go into the water. They  have also been learing about sinking and floating. They have been putting lots of different objects into the water and watching and talking about what happens to the objects. They have been reading a book called “I don’t want to have a bath,”  about  a young tiger who doesn’t want to have a bath. The nursery children enjoyed that book and they have made pictures and all sorts of stuff to do with the story. Now they are reading a new story called “The Whale and the Snail”  which is about about things under the sea.

By primary 7 blogger Ellie

Balhousie Visit

On Wednesday 21st January Mrs McIntosh and some of her class are going are going to balhousie. Faye,Fiona,Norah,Nicole and Brogan are dancing. Some other people will be reading poems out to  the the old people. Ryan,Caitlin,Sophie,India,Fiona and philippa are singing two songs. Fiona,Faye Lucas and cailtin are playing the violin.

p7 bloggers sophie

Doric Poems

Pupils from Primary 4 to 6 have been busy learning  Doric poems. Doric is the dialect spoken by people in the North East of Scotland.

Each year pupils in the school learn a Doric poem off by heart. The best three poems from each class will perform their poems at assembly and some winners will go to Balhousie Care Home and perform their poem to the residents there.

Here is one of the Doric Poems the P5 pupils are learning;

Frankenstein’s Lullaby     by: Blackhall, Sheena

I pu ma duvet roon ma neb,
Ma chin, kyte, hurdies, happin,
In case the croc aneth the bed,
Sud slidder oot an bite ma Ted,
Wi nesty teeth snip aff ma taes,
( I’m sure he hisna ett fur days)
I hear his gnashers snappin!

I draa ma duvet ower ma snoot,
Fur at the windae, glowerin,
A bogle stauns in ghaistie cloots,
As fae a tree a hoolet hoots.
Coont Dracula wi dreepin fangs,
Flees by, wi bats an vampire gangs
Whylst in ma bed I’m cooerin.

I pu ma pilla ower ma lug,
Fur doon the stairs I’m hearin,
The knap an knell, the chooch an chug,
As Frankenstein gaes ower the rug,
Wi chynes that makk an eildrich din,
He’s waltzin wi a skeleton
Tae frichten me frae sleepin!

More Doric Poems can be found on Elphinstone Kist