The Nursery

The nursery went to local shops to find Fairtrade products.They enjoyed looking for food with the fairtrade logo.When they went to the local shops they bought some biscuits for them to eat. They also got some bananas to eat as well. They saw the sign in the window of the Stewarts hall telling us that Huntly is a Fairtrade town. They sat down and talked about fairtrade and fairtrade products .

Back in the nursery they made snack using the fairtrade products that they bought,  including some yummy fruit kebabs!

Some of the P6 fairtrade representatives went to the nursery to tell the children about the work of the school fairtrade group and about fairtrade fortnight. The nursery children also  bought bananas from the fairtrade banana tuckshop in the school.

by sophie p6b blogger