P4’s Celtic Feast

Celtic feast

P4 classes were looking at Celtic food and we decided to make Celtic soup.The next day we had a feast with the soup and we also had oat cakes.

To create a good atmosphere we also listened to Celtic music and we had a crackling fire on the smart board. We sat on pillows in a circle. The soup was very yummy! It was fun having the feast!

By Caitlin and Alaisdair P4

Sports Relief Run!

Gordon Primary School were aiming to run the distance  from Huntly to Glasgow for Sports Relief, each class took turns to go down to the field with Miss Hext, who organised the activity. First there was a big warm up then they ran around the field as many times as they could manage. They nearly made it to Paris which was a lot further than they were supposed to go!

Everyone was aloud to wear something red to school and to bring a donation towards Sports relief.

We raised over £340  towards Sports Relief, kept fit and had fun all at the same time!  Well Done to everyone who participated!

By Morgan (P6 Blogger)

P4 Library Visit

P4b went to the library to learn about gladiators or markets for our Roman project. We learned a lot about the gladiators and markets. Most boys chose to study gladiators and most girls studied markets. We all wrote some interesting facts and learned more from each other. We are enjoying doing Romans. We also wrote about the gladiators and markets and made our own villa. We had to choose a book and find the right information. After that we could look around the library. It was a big library for Huntly. Some of the people looked at some very interesting books. The people that worked in the library talked about getting a library card. Some of the people chose very interesting books. After a while William came back from the weekend with a library card that the workers at the library were talking about. We had a fun time at the library when we were searching for information about gladiators and markets. If you haven’t been to Huntly library then I think you should go to the library. You can borrow and use books,talking books and DVDs. There are non – fiction books and fiction books. When it was time to go we didn’t want to leave. We had a brilliant time.

By Rachel and Charis.

Nursery News


Down at the nursery they have been looking at growing. For part of that they have been talking teddies home with them and learning how to brush their teeth and tuck them into their beds and how to get them ready for going to nursery. Moira Auchnie, the health Visitor came in to talk to the children about looking after young babies. The nursery pupils were asked to bring in a picture of  them as a baby  to see how have changed and grown up. They have also been looking at how to measure themselves and also how to use themselves to measure things outside and inside.

Outside in the nursery garden they have been able to experience looking after babies, washing clothes, hanging them out to dry, cooking meals and serving them up.

Last week a forest commissioner came in to talk to  them about the forest and creatures in the forest.  They really enjoyed learning about wildlife in the forest.

By Ellie p6b blogger     

Ballroom Dancing Competition

On 20th March there was a Ballroom Dancing Competition held at the Stewarts Hall. There were other local schools there as well. It was a great fun. Notes were sent out asking if anyone wanted to start ballroom dancing lessons on Thursday. P6 have learn’t two dances and the Elephant Walk. They learned all three of the dances in six weeks.

A big well done  to both of the p6 classes, you all did well.

by Sophie p6 blogger

P4B’s Salmon Egg’s!

One day a man called Mr. Vasey came to our class to talk about salmon.

He bought us some salmon eggs in a cool box. We need to check the temperature of the water (it needs to be kept at around 8 degrees c) and make sure the water is clean.  We are looking after them until the Easter holidays, when mr Vasey will take them back to the hatchery. We are hoping we can help to release them back into the Deveron when they are big enough.

We found out that female salmon can lay up to 10,000 eggs if they are healthy and can produce healthy eggs.  However the eggs can get a fungus that can make them die. The males fertilise (3 or 4 males may try to fertilise the eggs at once) the eggs to keep them healthy when they hatch. We have seen the eggs hatch in our classroom!


We have found out that some animals in this country are predators like these: Mink,Otter,Heron,Osprey and Peregrine Falcon. Salmon have to be aware of these predators and the salmon will have to hide under the rocks in the river.

Life Cycle

There are five stages of the salmon life cycle. First they are salmon eggs,the eggs are orange with a black dot in the centre. If they are white instead of orange then they are dead. Then they turn into tiny fish with their yolk sacks stuck to their tummies,so they can feed on it.These are called Alevin. Next they grow into slightly bigger fish called fry. After they turn completely silver and get ready to head out to sea.; these are called smolt.  Finally they have turned into adults- the males are more colourful to attract females. Then they go out to sea to search for food. Then the life cycle starts all over again.

When they hatch the temperature must be below ten degrees. The adult salmon eats sea snails,pond skaters,water beetles and other insects that fall in the water. The salmon can’t live in polluted water. Salmon can live in the sea for about four years.

The salmon like clear, fresh and cold water. And we would like to keep the Salmon safe in the UK.


Find out more about the project here


By Clover and Charis, P4B

Fairtrade posters.

All classes made posters to promote this years Fair-trade campaign, to make bananas fair.

Each poster needed to have the Fair-trade logo, the web address of the campaign video and some pictures of bananas.

Eye catching posters were produced from p1 to p7. These were displayed in the school.

Some were taken to the secondary school to promote the campaign there.

P4 Fairtrade representatives taking the posters to the Gordon Schools

World Book Day

The “Swap a Book”, organised by the Pupil Learning Council, was a great success. On World Book Day pupils and staff were able to choose a book from the many books that had been bought into school of the day.

It was an excellent way to “recycle” books that we no longer wanted, and to allow others to enjoy those books too.

The books that are left over will be sold next week for 10p and 20p..