Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade fortnight is here! At Gordon Primary classes have been asked to make posters promoting this years campaign “Making Bananas Fair.”

These posters will be displayed around the school and the community (Swimming pool, Linden Centre, the Gordon Schools etc).

The Fairtrade group will be selling Fairtrade bananas in the glass corridor, for 20p each.

We are also collecting banana recipes, which we will use to produce a leaflet of yummy things you can make with your bananas.

You can watch the video clip below to find out more about the campaign,

Ballroom Dancing

For P.E. primary 6A and 6B classes have been doing ballroom dancing. We have been learning the Elephant Walk- it is very funny to do or to watch, also the song is very catchy. The Quick Waltz is very elegant, then there is the Mambo which is very hard and you need to be fast at it. 

Mr.Robertson has been teaching us the dances, it is fun.         

By Morgan Minty P6A Blogger.

Swap ‘A’ Book Day

The learning Council have organised “Swap a Book day” to coincide with world book day. Swap’ a’ book day is when you take in books that you dont want anymore and that your  parent says you can take them in. You can take one book in (or you could take as many as you want) and then you will be able to choose a book to take home. All books are free. Swap ‘a’ book day is on 6th March 2014. We hope we get lots of books to swap, so that everyone is able to choose a book that they really enjoy!

Nursery News

Fairtrade Fortnight has begun (24 February – 9 March) and the Nursery have been very busy!

They have been going out and about going into shops and searching for Fairtrade Products and Fairtrade Logo’s, they bought some of the products as well, the Fairtrade Chocolate was spotted very quickly!

They have also been making posters to show what they have learnt about Fairtrade!

The Nursery’s currrent topic is ‘All About Me!’

During Circle Time they have been discussing what makes them feels Happy and Sad)

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)

Netball Game

This wednesday the netball team will be competeing in a game against another school  .The classes that are playing in the game is p6s and p7s the coaches of the team are Mrs Fitzpatrick and Ms Philp Smith.

BY Ellie p6b blogger