Tag Archives: project


Space craft of all shapes and sizes have been winging their way into Gordon Primary over the last couple of weeks.

Primary 4C were asked to make a space vehicle at home using recycled materials. Each pupil would show their vehicle to the class and do a brief talk about who would use the space craft, its destination, what sort of fuel it used and any other interesting facts.

The results have been very impressive. One space craft comes complete with fridge, television and toilet! The models are currently on display in the P4 area.

P3 Vikings

P3 have been enjoying learning about vikings as their topic. Their challenge at home was to make a viking longhouse with any materials they could find, they were also allowed to use natural materials like sticks and hay. Some have moss for the grass and also some have have put detail inside, such as cooking pots and a fire, animals and simple furniture.

The long houses had no windows, so were very smoky. They had just one room, which was shared by the Vikings and their cattle.

If you would like to see some of the longhouses, go to the glass corridor. Everyone who has walked through the the corridor has remarked how well they have been made.

They have also been finding out about how the Vikings made their clothes. They have been dying materials using different substances such as onions, beetroot, berries and turmeric.

By Cameron & Ellie (p6a Bloggers)

Sharing assembly; P6B

P6B have been studying the Tudors, and shared what they have been doing in a very interesting and entertaining assembly.

They showed us posters they had made and read poems. They showed and talked about their models of Tudor buildings. Finally they created a television report about the birth of Queen Elizabeth 1st , which included interviews live from Windsor Castle !

P1s Fab Trip

Primary 1 recently visited the Stratosphere as a school trip.

They had lots  of  fun and they all learnt lots of fun and interesting things about the body.

They had lots of fun especially on the “Skeleton bike!”

They got a wonderful tour from a nice lady and they got to make a sheep poo!


By Libby And Taylor

(P6B Bloggers)

P6A Tudors

P6A are doing Tudors as their topic  but are almost finished. To finish the topic they are describing Henry VIII when he was young and old. They have also  discussed if  Henry was a star or a monster. They decided that Henry was a star instead of a monster. He  did more things good, like making England a strong and powerful country but when it was bad things it was really bad.

Their next project is going to be Fairtrade and they are looking really forward to it.

By Cameron ( P6 Blogger)

Class Dancing!

Most classes in our school are doing social dancing for their Christmas parties. We are all working very hard and having some fun ! 🙂

P6B and P6A are dancing together for our Christmas party and we all cant wait !

It is normally girls pick boys and then boys pick girls but sometimes it is the other way round for partner picking. We are all doing a variety of dancing and we all have a load of fun !

My class P6B are doing Gay Gordon’s, Grand March, Circle Waltz and many many more !

By Libby x 😀

P5s topic

The two P5 classes are doing a topic on the novel the B.F.G and they have to find out different things to do with Roahl Dahl for their homework and they have also read the book then listened to the audio. They have found out quite a lot of information.We are finding the book interesting and funny

by Ellie  p5 glow blogger