Tag Archives: P6

Burns Poems

Last week (Friday 25th January 2013) Gordon Primary School had a Burns Assembly where a number of people from each class recited a Doric Poem. Every pupil from P4/7 were given a poem to learn off by heart. The winners were chosen to recite their poems at assembly.  Some learnt poems by Robert Burns such as “A Red, Red Rose” and some people recited some more modern poems by more modern poets such as Sheena Blackhall and Les Wheeler.

P4c Callum and Steven  both recited  Castle Creepy.

P4b Alisa  recited The Siar Finger, Lucy recited Mince and Tatties and Haiden recited  Castle Creepy.

P5b Ellie  recited Up the Stairs, Mitch  recited The Fireman, Lola recited The Sair Finger and Caitlin  recited Tanglen.

P6a Cameron  recited The Roman Sodger, Duncan, Hollie, Samantha  all recited A Red, Red Rose, Becky recited The Crocodile and Ellie recited The Checkouts Lament.

The poems were very entertaining. Well done winners!

By Duncan (P6 Glow Blogger)

P6A Tudors

P6A are doing Tudors as their topic  but are almost finished. To finish the topic they are describing Henry VIII when he was young and old. They have also  discussed if  Henry was a star or a monster. They decided that Henry was a star instead of a monster. He  did more things good, like making England a strong and powerful country but when it was bad things it was really bad.

Their next project is going to be Fairtrade and they are looking really forward to it.

By Cameron ( P6 Blogger)

P6A Tudor Posters

All of the P6A pupils  have been making posters about Tudors.

As their project is Tudors they were given a task, to make a Poster on a Famous Tudor that their teacher (Mrs Barclay) had chosen. They have been working on the posters for about a month now and they are ready to show them to the class. They have been looking up information from books and the Internet. The whole class is looking forward to listening to all the information about each groups’  Famous Tudor.

Here are some pictures of the posters.

By Duncan & Cameron (P6 Bloggers)

Schools will rock you

On Monday P6/7 classes and I went to Schools Will Rock You,  a musical put on by the pupils of the Gordon Schools. It was held in the big hall at the secondary and it started at half one and finished at three o ‘clock, but unfortunately we missed the end because we had to go home.

The story was about two people in love.  A lot of the cast wore tops that said gaga kids. There was lots of singing and dancing and it was great fun.

by Chantelle P6 blogger

After School Cricket Club

Our school sometimes holds clubs after school and in school times!

We really enjoy them and I am going to tell you about one of them:

The Cricket Club!

Its only for girls and its after school and its for girls in primaries 4, 5, 6,  and 7.

Mr Nicol runs it and he enjoys it as much as the girls do!

They meet every week on Tuesdays and they have to be first to leave from school.

There is also a boys cricket club and a girl and boy cricket club but I am only going to write about the girls one.

By Libby And Sinead xxx

Class Dancing!

Most classes in our school are doing social dancing for their Christmas parties. We are all working very hard and having some fun ! 🙂

P6B and P6A are dancing together for our Christmas party and we all cant wait !

It is normally girls pick boys and then boys pick girls but sometimes it is the other way round for partner picking. We are all doing a variety of dancing and we all have a load of fun !

My class P6B are doing Gay Gordon’s, Grand March, Circle Waltz and many many more !

By Libby x 😀

ASC In P6B!!

ASC stands for Adventure Service Challenge.
We P6B are doing ASC by making posters about a variety of things and then showing them to the class.
We have done one about charities, Tudors, bugs and loads of other things. Right now we are doing one on safety in the kitchen because our next topic is going to be cooking over at the Linden Centre! 😀
By Libby x 😛