Tag Archives: assembly

Musical Assembly

The whole school enjoyed a musical assembly on the last day of term.

The orchestra played as the classes came in, and also played a fsongs that they have been learnins during the assembly. Children (and staff)  particularly enjoyed the clashing cymbals during their rendition of Greigs “Hall of the Mountain King”.

Next we all enjoyed listening to P5 singing Scottish songs with Keith Cockburn, accompanied by Pam Cockburn on fiddle. They sang Ye Jacobites by Name and the Skye Boat Song,  and then finished off with Murder in the Chipshop.

More music followed with the choir singing for us. Among the songs were Alexanders Ragtime band and Annies song.

Sharing Assembly

Last week  (13th March) Cameron and Katie from P6 told us about the Junior First Aid course that they had taken part in. They had learnt simple but important first aid guidelines, such as two different ways to help if someone is choking.

Well done Cameron and Katie.

Next Chris, Christine and Pietra told us how they have been busy raising money for Comic Relief by bouncing into school and home again on Space Hoppers. They explained how their journey has been made more difficult because of snow and ice …. and they have the bruises to prove it!  Well done Chris, Christine and Pietra for your  effort!

Finally P4A showed us what they have been learning about this term; they performed a poem “The Fight of the Year” by Roger McGough, complete with actions. Some of the class read poems that they had written themselves. Others told us they had been learning about electricity and learning how to make a circuit. They showed us models that they had made which had moving parts (a propeller on a helicopter) or parts that lit up (cats’ eyes).

Visitor from Zimbabwe

Last Wednesday Nancy Mteki, who has a residency in Huntly with Deveron Arts, came to talk to the Upper Stages at assembly. She showed us her photographs, which included photos of babies and children. Nancy explained that lots of daily activities, like  bathing babies  and eating is done outside in Zimbabwe. Here, in Scotland, we can usually only eat outside in summer ….if we are lucky!

She told us that the people in Zimbabwe like to make children’s toys, and showed us how to make dolls and footballs using carrier bags and newspapers, things we often just throw away!

Mrs Fitzpatrick and Mrs McIntosh joined in a challenge to make a doll from newspaper and carrier bags. The results were very impressive!

Mr Scrimshaw told the school that there would be a competition for the best doll made from newspaper and carrier bags. We are looking forward to see what pupils of Gordon Primary manage to create by recycling these simple materials!

For more about Nancy and Deveron Arts, click on the link


Sharing assembly; P6B

P6B have been studying the Tudors, and shared what they have been doing in a very interesting and entertaining assembly.

They showed us posters they had made and read poems. They showed and talked about their models of Tudor buildings. Finally they created a television report about the birth of Queen Elizabeth 1st , which included interviews live from Windsor Castle !

Sharing assemblies P4C

Last week P6b and P4c shared what they have been doing with the Upper stages.

P4C have been learning about space. They acted out a game show called “Im a celebrity, Get me to Mars,” answering questions about space. The winning team won a trip to Mars.

While they were exploring Mars they suddenly met some aliens. They weren’t sure if they were friendly, but fortunately the aliens, (who were also a bit frightened at first), were friendly and welcoming. The Martians told the people from Earth all about their red, dusty planet.

P4c also showed the posters and alien portraits that they had done in art with Mrs. Wills.

Jasmin`s Success

At assembly a couple of weeks ago Jasmin in P7 showed the school her trophies and medals she`s won in swimming. She was at the finals of a national swimming competition and came 6th!

She also has a t-shirt with all the competitor`s names who took part in it.

By Cameron (P6 Blogger)

Trio Assembly.


  • Last week we had 3 groups all coming to tell us about things. We started of with P5A’s  sharing assembly. They  read book reviews, writing and some information about their project about the jacobites. Groups had done research on 3 famous people from that time; Bonnie Prince Charlie, Flora McDonald and the Duke of Cumberland (nicknamed “the Butcher.”) They showed us models of blackhouses that they had made.
  • Then Carl Wright and Jake Florence had some very good news to tell us. They are climbing Mt Kilimanjaro. !!!!! !!! Tit will take about 5 days to complete the climb. They are raising money through their climb for Cancer research and Help for Heroes.
  • Plus we had the Fairtrade reps to tell us about Fairtrade fortnight. They reminded us why we should support Fairtrade. They also told us that the Fairtrade tuckshop would be running over the fortnight!

By Fiona and Sophie P5B Bloggers

Priamry 5b assembly

Last  Wednesday the p5s  did  an assembly. They recited  “The Address to a Haggis”, some Doric poems and poems they had written themselves. They wrote their own poems in the same style that Robert Burns , on subjects such as “Address to a Jelly Bean” and “Address to a Chicken Tikka”.  Here is one of the Doric poems, written by Sheena Blackhall,

Up The Stairs at bedtime

Up the stairs at bedtime
Gie yer face a dicht
Hae ye myne’t tae clean yer teeth
Makk sure an dae it richt!
Fin at last yer sleepin
The teeth pirhanas sweem
Oot fae their hideyholes
Far teeth fairies gleam
Roon yer moo they’re huntin
Fur teeth that they can howk
Teeth pirhanas seekin
A puckle teeth tae powk.

By Ellie, P5 blogger

Burns Poems

Last week (Friday 25th January 2013) Gordon Primary School had a Burns Assembly where a number of people from each class recited a Doric Poem. Every pupil from P4/7 were given a poem to learn off by heart. The winners were chosen to recite their poems at assembly.  Some learnt poems by Robert Burns such as “A Red, Red Rose” and some people recited some more modern poems by more modern poets such as Sheena Blackhall and Les Wheeler.

P4c Callum and Steven  both recited  Castle Creepy.

P4b Alisa  recited The Siar Finger, Lucy recited Mince and Tatties and Haiden recited  Castle Creepy.

P5b Ellie  recited Up the Stairs, Mitch  recited The Fireman, Lola recited The Sair Finger and Caitlin  recited Tanglen.

P6a Cameron  recited The Roman Sodger, Duncan, Hollie, Samantha  all recited A Red, Red Rose, Becky recited The Crocodile and Ellie recited The Checkouts Lament.

The poems were very entertaining. Well done winners!

By Duncan (P6 Glow Blogger)