ASC In P6B!!

ASC stands for Adventure Service Challenge.
We P6B are doing ASC by making posters about a variety of things and then showing them to the class.
We have done one about charities, Tudors, bugs and loads of other things. Right now we are doing one on safety in the kitchen because our next topic is going to be cooking over at the Linden Centre! 😀
By Libby x 😛

Kick Boxing

Classes in the school are doing kick boxing workshops this week, to give them a taster of kick boxing! Senser John McInnes taught the workshops. He is recently back from Sicily where ex pupil Rhianan Chisolm won a bronze medal in the kick boxing world championships!

Primary 4 classes enjoyed learning some basic moves. They enjoyed doing a warm up and stretches. They then learnt the Left Punch, the Right Punch and a Side Kick.  Then they combined them all together while saying KI-A!

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)