
Gordon Primary has welcomed prefects to the school.

A prefects job include setting a good example,helping around the school, showing new people around and helping at wet play times!

They started helping out around the school this week.

They are all primary sevens. They introduced themselves at last weeks assembly and they all got a badge to wear.

by Amy (P5 blogger)


VCOP Open Afternoon

Next Wednesday afternoon (Nov 14th) parents are invited into school to observe their children learning about VCOP. Parents will get an opportunity to see their children playing games and making up sentences using ambitious vocabulary, openers, connectives and a wider range of punctuation. This will help parents to develop a better understanding of how VCOP helps improve pupils writing.

Gordon Primary Tour Guides

The last tour of Huntly Castle for Winter will be tomorrow (7th November 2012). There will be more tours in Spring!

Each Tour Guide has done 2 tours.  Tour Guides have enjoyed doing the tours and are feeling more and more confident with each tour they do. When the P5s take over from us we will have a party at the end and pass on all our outfits to the P5s but it will be a long long time before that happens!

In Spring there will be some more Public Tours.  Feel free to come to them!

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Celebration

All the P6s,  P7s,  S1s and  S2s have been given a note to be invite them to a event for the Glasgow 2014 commonwealth Games.

There are only 100 spaces for the whole of Aberdeenshire which is not a lot considering how big Aberdeenshire is. This on a first come first serve basis which means there could be more pupils from one school than from another!

There are 5 menus that have different sports to chooses from:

Red Menu;; gymnastics and trampolining, tennis, judo and spinning (indoor cycling)

Green Menu; badminton, table tennis, spinning and rugby

Yellow Menu; tennis, spinning, athletics and bowling

Blue Menu; spinning, gymnastics and trampolining, rugby and athletics

Black Menu; table tennis, badminton, bowling and judo

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

News from the Palace!

A letter recently arrived at Gordon Primary School; we were very excited because it wasn’t an ordinary letter … It was a letter from the Queen!

During the run up to the Queens Diamond Jubilee, pupils in the lower stages had made a massive scrapbook about the Queen which included portraits of her Highness and information that they had found out about her life. They posted the scrapbook to Buckingham Palace as a gift for her for her Jubilee Celebrations.

They were delighted when a letter with a Buckingham Palace postmark arrived at the school in November. In it was a letter, signed by The Queens’ lady in waiting thanking the children for the “splendid scrapbook”. The letter also contained some leaflets about the Queens working day, Buckingham Palace and her pet corgis.

by Phillippa(p5 blogger)

and Mrs Sell