Tag Archives: Guidance

Preperation for Glow Group Migration

In preparation for the change from our current Glow system to the new Glow system we are required to identify Glow Groups to migrate over.

 So we can identify these Glow Groups it is essential that you put an asterix in the title e.g.

 Aberdeenshire Council Glow Group          would be changed to

 *Aberdeenshire Council Glow Group

Please click on the link below to access the guidance notes for this process.


Microsoft 365 (Outlook)

Guide to the new Glow Mail

As you will be aware improvements are being made to the current Glow system by Education Scotland. The first of these improvements took place in December 2012 where staff received the new RM Unify launchpad and tiles.  A similar change was made for all pupils in January 2013. 

 The next enhancement to Glow is the provision of a new e-mail system provided by Microsoft Office 365 (Outlook).

 This guidance has been produced to support you using the new Glow e-mail system, Office 365 (Outlook).

Please click on the link below to access the guidance notes


Below is the first in a series of video tutorials to help you find your way round the new mail system.

This video will show you how to access the new Glow Mail.

Glow Mail Tutorial No1

This video will show you how to send and receive glow Mail.

Glow Mail Tutorial No2