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Kindrogan P7 Visit

Day 4
In the morning we went on a bus ride to an old village which had been abandoned during the clearances. We dressed up as the people who used to live there. We learnt about their diet, way of life, their houses and why they left. It was very cold there so they must have been freezing when they lived there.

In the afternoon, we did the leap of faith which is a big jump. Then after that we did crate climbing. The leap of faith made some people scared but the crate climbing wasn’t as scary.

In the evening, we went on a night walk and it was snowing really hard. We also had a snow ball fight and we got ambushed!

See you all tomorrow about 3:30.

Published by Hayley, Jennifer and Ivy

Day 3

In the morning we did river dipping, and found what kinds of bugs live in it e.g water nymph or the great diving beetle (who ate the rest of our bugs).

Then in the afternoon we went pond dipping and found some killer beetles and fish but because they were not invertebrates (invertebrates are animals without a backbone) we had to let them go. Then we put them in a petri dish and looked at them from under a microscope. It was really scary because it made it look gigantic.

We learned about habitats, diversity, metamorphosis and adaptation. We found out that the river is more diverse because it has a bigger variety of animals in it.

In the evening Duncan’s group set traps for mammals and will find what they have caught in the morning.Rich’s group did the egg challenge but they all died. Last night Rich’s  group caught a vole when they did mammal trapping.

Written by Hayley, Jennifer, Ivy and Sophie

Day 2

Tuesday was loads of fun(apart from wet socks).

First we built a National Park out of natural resources like twigs, stones, leaves, pine cones and snow. We all managed to  make a brilliant National Park.

Next we learnt how to make a fire out of lichen, twigs, cotton wool and Vaseline. Most people got a flame using only a flint.

In the afternoon we all went on a walk up Kindrogan Hill in the snow, most people got wet but it was worth it . We got told ghost  stories in a cemetery half way up. Near the top we made shelters out of logs.

After supper we did an egg challenge where you  drop an egg out of a window. It was fun making a parachute out of newspaper. Some eggs cracked some never.

by Jodie and Jennifer

Here are some pictures:

Day 1

Everyone is having a great time and have already learned about orienteering, national parks, GPS and humane mammal traps.

After a slight hiccup on the journey down (locked public loos in Stonehaven) we made it through the sleet to a very warm and enthusiastic welcome from the Kindrogan staff.
We spent the remainder of the afternoon in the snow orienteering and doing the low ropes course.

After a really nice three course dinner we went out into the night to navigate by GPS and to trap small mammals for study tomorrow.

Watch this space for photos …

Measuring, bath toys

The Primary 3s were measuring lots of things using metre sticks such as the door, the floor, the tables and windows.  The Primary 2s were measuring things with their feet and spans.  They also measured the tables and doors. 

We designed our own bath toys for toddlers.  We had to think about the safe materials to use.  We had to do different drawings of the toys that we designed and we had to think about them being colourful and make sure they are not too sharp.  We had to tell everyone about the toy we made  and everyone had to write on a bit of paper how they thought they did.

Disha if you read this please email the school with your address so that we can write to you!

P2/3 blog

Dear Mrs.Beaton,I was reading the blogs we done with you! They were wonderful! I feel like reading them again! But I was late for bedtime because I was a bit of a handful to mum…mmm.BUT anyway I kind found it quiet hard to log in to Glow and took to much time on my mum/dad’s i pod or i pad. “YAWN!””I’m so tired which means…BEDTIME”! Goodnight.Oops…I meant “Good-morning”!I’ll miss p2/3!”I’m missing you”!Naomi and somebody else suggested “Pen-pals”. “WHAT AN EARTH IS THAT”!?I’m puzzled.

Cinderella and Rockerfella Rock Ellon

Parents were treated to a really special Christmas present yesterday when they came to see the P6, P7/6 and P7 Panto, Cinderella and Rockerfella. The show was fantastic. Parents and staff were very proud of the whole team effort and were amazed at the talents shown by the children. Both performances had a great atmosphere and all parents came out with big smiles on their faces.

The children also showed off their creative talents with a display of Cinderella models they had made. They chose to make either a shoe, a palace or a means of transport to the ball. The models were made with recycled material and showed inventiveness and creativity.

Primary 4

We have been learning about the Jacobite advance. They managed to get all the way to Derby but not to London. They battled at Culloden with the Redcoats and lost. We have been learning about the Highland Clearances too.

We have enjoyed practising for our play called The Christmas Story. Our voices have improved a lot over the last few weeks. We hope mums and dads enjoyed it.

Merry Christmas from P4!

Noctural animals, Hanukka

We have been learning about nocturnal animals and have been using the computer for researching the animals.  We had to find out where the animals live, what they eat,what type they are and how they get around in the dark. 

We looked at the story of Hanukka because it is another celebration about light.  We learned abut the menorah which is a big lamp with 9 candles.  Jewish people celebrate Hanukka for 8 days because the oil miracle lasted for 8 days.


Road Safety Blog

P6/7’s Blog on Road Safety

Over the past few weeks, P6/7 has been focusing on launching a campaign to promote the use of seat belts on school buses and general road safety awareness for Road Safety Week. They have been doing and making lots of things, this blog one of them. Why don’t you have a look at it and tell us what you think?

At this assembly, we’re going to be talking about staying safe on the road and school buses. When you get on the bus, the first thing you need to do after you’ve had your ticket stamped is to find a seat, sit down and put on your seatbelt. There is no point in taking off your seatbelts the moment the bus starts moving, as this is one of the most dangerous things you could do on a school bus. Most of the fatal casualties in vehicle crashes can be avoided, if only the people involved had put on their seatbelts.

In 2007, there were approximately 2,682 road related casualties:

873 were pedestrian casualties
632 were people in car crashes
174 were people on bicycles
75 were people on buses and coaches that crashed
55 accidents were on other vehicles

All in all, about:

155 were seriously injured
And 9 were killed

All in one year.

Of course no one wants to be one of those people that were injured and even killed, but there are lots of simple things that you can do to reduce your chance of being hurt if the bus had a collision or braked suddenly. The most simple, easiest way to stay safe in vehicles is to wear your seatbelt, something that is already expected of everyone. A lot of people don’t, and they are normally the people fatally injured.

On a more cheery note, we have jingles, a play and posters for you to look at.

You can also log on to or to find out more.

If you are interested in becoming a junior road safety officer speak to Mrs Lindsay.

We hope you understand the importance of staying safe.

(The blog was written by Aisling O’Sullivan, Jay Skivington, Jason Canning, Fergus Hughes)

P1s Mrs Trahern Blog!!!

Jay,Rory and Danny went on a tour,and came across Mrs Traherns class,they thought “lets make a blog about p1s!” So,they got Jonson and Milly to answer a few questions! They said “numbers and letters are our favourite subjects,we are also making christmas tags for chrismas!”they did very well on there first interview!

by Jay,Danny and Rory

Castle P4/5

On Monday we looked at the clan MacAndrew in the 1800. It was fun! We are in groups named after castles. e.g. Fyvie, Edinburgh, Ellon… . We also got to make up our own clan  and tartan. On Thursday we were finding out about the Highland Clearances and started making “Black Houses”.