Good playground behaviour
Over the last few weeks there has been a lot of things happening in both of the school playgrounds. Such as green mulch, bark around the trees, spongy ground, new playground toys , new plants, flowers, trees , This week the p1-3s playground got a new trim trail with new, fresh, nice, good quality bark (that smells good). There also has been EXCEPTIONALLY good behaviour .
Written by Emma P5
Good thinking Emma
Thanks Nathan :):):):):):)
great work Ems hope to get more blogs from you soon
great blog can’t wait to get into the new trim trail.
what you said was very true Emma . And you are right the bark does smell nice !!!
Well done Emma.
Good job Emzie x
Please tell me in class if you have compleeted any more blogs ! can’t wait to read them!!
[if you have done any more ] 
Thanks for all the well done comments :):):):):):):):):):)
Isn’t someone going to write about the race for life ??

good call