Tag Archives: Global Citizenship

Ecuador Short Film

After returning from Ecuador this summer I decided to make a short film documenting Group 2’s experience.  Along with Bethany More and Anna Duncan we made it one evening with the intention for it to be shown at Assemblies.  Outlook Expeditions coincidentally had a Participant Video Competition running nationwide, which decided to enter.  We were very pleased to find out that we had won.  Our short film will now be shown on Outlook Expeditions website.  I also made a longer version which is available for viewing on YouTube along with Group 1’s.

Ruth Bryce, S6 KEC

Global Citizenship – Potential Links with Rwanda

Kemnay Academy’s exploration of potential links with a school and pupils in Rwanda is progressing as a focus for a sustainable approach to global citizenship. Recently, students from Harlaw Academy in Aberdeen City visited Kemnay Academy to brief S3 and senior students on their experiences in that country. Our S3 students study Rwanda as part of our Social Subjects curriculum. The briefing has fired our imagination and, together with our Charity Committee, we are planning to sponsor 4 Rwandan pupils through their secondary education. Our end of term non-uniform day will be geared to this. The Rwandan school system is quite different from ours and such sponsorship will make a huge difference to those pupils, their careers, their families and development of local community. However, it will also benefit our own pupils’ understanding of global issues and will complement our ethos of good citizenship and our Rights Respecting Schools Award work. We are working with a charity, Rwandan Schools Village Project (RSVP), to take this forward and to make a link directly with a Rwandan school. We hope to create interesting displays in the Academy to keep pupils up to date with our sponsored pupils’ and school’s progress. The charity’s website can be accessed through this link: http://rsvpcharity.org.uk/ We will keep you up to date with our progress via these newsletters, etc and build appropriate links into our website

Young Health Leaders @ Kemnay Academy

We are a group of S6 students: Lisa McWilliam (coordinator), Emma Forbes, Kathryn Dunn, Simon Cribbes and Alexandra Arr.  We will be working on Health related topics with a view to supporting Kemnay Academy and the community, concentrating on Emotional Health.  We will present our project to other Aberdeenshire schools in March at a celebration event within Aberdeenshire.

As we work through our project we will also be aiming to complete an SQA Leadership Award at SCQF level 5.

Above is our group and we are wearing our YHL badges and will shortly be given our own YHL hoodies to help raise our profile within the school

Children in Need Choir: Mearns Academy

Children In Need was a great success and we’re so honoured to have taken part in such an amazing event. Not everyone can say that they got on telly and hugged Pudsey all in the same day! Working as a team with the other schools and Andrew the conductor created a great atmosphere for creativity and we felt well after by the organisers. The song choices were inspiring and were perfect anthems for the message of Children In Need. We’re so glad that so much money was raised and that Mearns Academy could be a part of it.

Bringing Uganda back to Newmachar

Miss Fiona McDonald spent 5 weeks of her summer holidays in Uganda.           

This was part of the Link Community Development Global Teachers Programme.

One of the first things Fiona wanted to do this term was to share her experiences with her school. This was done at a whole school assembly, which gave the pupils at New Machar School a chance to learn about their international peers and what life is like beyond their Scottish roots.

Global Citizenship will be a major focus for New Machar and will fit in with their

Rights Respecting School plan, which hi-lights the Unicef rights of the child.

Uganda School Assembly