Tag Archives: Fair Trade

Old Rayne Retains its Fairtrade School Status

 Old Rayne School were delighted to find out that they have retined their Fair Trade Status by organised the events below;

Ran Fairtrade stalls at our school Harvest, St Andrew’s Day, Burns Day, Fair-trade Fortnight and Easter Community cafés. We also serve Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar at these cafés.

Ran two school stalls at the Old Rayne Christmas Fair in the Lawrence Hall, one for Christmas Traidcraft products and the other sold Fairtrade Chocolate Brownie mix in jars and Fairtrade cookies and truffles that we made. They were very popular!


Celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight 2013

Created Fairtrade art work – necklaces and banners

African Drumming workshop with Chief Chebe

A lady who represented Traidcraft visited each class

A man from a company called Koolskools gave us an assembly about Fairtrade cotton

We baked all helped make a Fairtrade cake and put it in a competition called The Fair Bake.

We recycled our Fairtrade wrappers to make a sculpture. We uploaded a photo of the sculpture to the Fairtrade Foundation website and we won 3rd prize.

We had a healthy Fairtrade tuck shop everyday in the hall for all the pupils and staff in the school

This evidence from the session was collated and submitted to the Fairtrade Foundation and last week the school heard news from the Foundation that Old Rayne School have retained its Fairtrade School status.


Mrs Fiona Eaton
Head Teacher

Well done to all involved 🙂