Tag Archives: Expressive Arts

Kemnay Academy Italian Music Tour June 2014

Preparations for our forthcoming music tour to Lake Garda, Italy, continue with lots of rehearsals and fund raising activities.  So far members of the concert band, choir, jazz band, ceilidh band, piper and dancer have been involved in bag packing, Christmas concert, a Scottish evening and a quiz night.  The next fund raising event is a Musical Coffee Morning to be held at the Kintore Public Hall on the 22 March.  The group need funds to help buy such items as equipment and concert uniform but our biggest expenditure will be for the transportation of instruments to Italy.

A Farewell Concert will be held at the academy on the evening of 5 June.


Rock Challenge Success

I enjoyed Rock Challenge this year! It was my first time and it was the best day of my life! From the minute I woke up to the minute I fell asleep, I was ecstatic! It was like living in a dream running about and going mad in the AECC as I’m usually just going to see a show! All the schools were amazing this year and we had an amazing time meeting everyone! Getting third place has really made our teachers proud and our parents appreciate all the extra rehearsals and all the hard work that has gone into Rock Challenge this year. I definitely want to do Rock Challenge next year! It has been the best day of my life!

Indy Watson S2

It was my first time doing Rock Challenge. The atmosphere was just amazing; I couldn’t believe it when I was in the AECC with all the other schools. From the moment I woke up till the moment I fell asleep I was just buzzing with excitement. I knew I would be tired though. When it was our time to rehearse I was really nervous but when we were actually performing I was fine, I wasn’t nervous at all. It was the best day ever. When we were waiting for the results and getting the awards we were sitting right next to Mackie Academy and we were trying to be louder than them but I still think that they were louder but my voice was starting to hurt. When they announced 1st, 2nd and 3rd we were so happy because we came 3rd. I still have the chant in my head, I would definitely do it again next year, and I think this was the best day in my whole lifetime.

Georgia Sharp S2

Rock Challenge is probably the most unforgettable and incredible thing I have ever done in school. The build up to it was so exhilarating, we practiced every Tuesday and it was definitely the highlight of it! When the event came around, I was so excited.  I couldn’t wait to get on stage! In Rock challenge our theme was Alice in Wonderland, I was a Cheshire Cat. My face paint was amazing and my hair was crazy, nightmare to get out though! I knew quite a few people from other schools so it was great to see them. I also made a few new friends.  Everyone was so lovely and supportive. It was soon time to go on stage, I gave a 110% and made sure everything was bursting with energy and that I pointed my toes! When we came off the stage everyone was delighted with how it went! It was soon time to find out the results, we found a seat and we were screaming and chanting for Kemnay. In the end we got 10 awards and was placed 3rd. Everyone was over the moon, we couldn’t believe it! Rock Challenge was amazing, I had so much fun. It’s something I will definitely remember forever! Can’t wait to do it again next year (hopefully!)

Beth Elkin S2

Turriff Academy “Buddy Holly Story” HMT

On the 1st of October senior music pupils attended the performance of the Buddy Holly Story at HMT in Aberdeen. Rock n roll is a style of music currently being studied by the new National 4/5 music performing and music technology classes and this musical gave pupils an insight not only to the music of this era but also the culture,fashion and way of life for musicians. The pupils enjoyed the performance and say that they particularly enjoyed the fact that the actors were also the musicians for the band.


Turriff Academy Samba Workshop

On the 27th September a Samba workshop was held for all S2 music pupils. Mat Clements from the drumming company “wherestheone” came to the school to work with the pupils. World music is currently being studied in S2 and this workshop gave the perfect opportunity for pupils to learn about Samba, giving them hands on experience of performing as part of a Samba band. Senior pupils also attended a workshop in the afternoon where Mat concentrated on more complex rhythmic drumming patterns used in Samba music. It was a great day which was enjoyed by all. A video of the Samba workshop can be viewed on the music department blog. www.turriffacademymusicdept.com. Well done to all involved 🙂



Rock Challenge Scottish Final

The thunderous cheering begins to blow the roof off the Dundee Caird Hall.  Arbroath High has been awarded yet another prize, one of a string of prizes they go on to win.  Chatting and laughing with my friends, I am not paying a lot of attention to the stage: after all, we were at the Rock Challenge Scottish Finals not to win, but to show the schools what Kemnay Academy was made of, and to have a good time.  We had had such fun during the day, dancing with other schools in the Morning Production Meeting, munching on pizza together before our final show preparation; we weren’t overly focussed on winning the most amount of prizes.  Being the lighting director and working on the administration side of Rock Challenge, I had never felt I was overly important in the scheme of things; there was dancing, choreography, set, costume all of which I believe were more important than me.  So when an award-presenter on-stage announces that the Lighting Design Award has been given to Kemnay Academy, our school erupts with screams and cheers of surprise and joy – and I was in utter shock.

I had won an award, completely off my own back, and it lifted the school’s spirits infinitely. Knowing we had made our mark at the Rock Challenge Scottish Finals was a great achievement, and furthermore knowing that it was me who had made that mark, boosted my self-esteem.  I realised then that no matter what role you play in a Rock Challenge performance, whether you are the main character such as the Dictator, or if you painted one tree on one piece of set: every single member is important, and without the joint effort of everyone we could never pull off the performances that we do.  Rock Challenge is and will continue to be a staple in the diet of the pupils of our school, from S2 up to their final days at school.  If nothing else, Rock Challenge helps you to take part in something great, learn new skills, and most of all, to make life-long friends.

 Eilidh Maclachlan

Rock Challenge 2013 @Kemany Academy

I was so lucky to get a main part in rock Challenge this year, but it is a lot of work.  You have to try to set an example and the standard you want everyone to reach.  You need to try your best all the time.  Also, I got to choreograph dances which I love to do.  I worked so hard this year trying to get the dances I helped choreograph absolutely perfect, and it paid off as the judges actually commented on one of the dances saying the choreography was amazing (this is down to Sarah Michie and Rachel Mackie too)!

I also put a lot of effort into the drama side of things which, in previous years, I’ve never really bothered to do.  That also paid off as we got a high mark in drama, so overall I am very proud of how well we’ve done this year!  I was also over the moon to get 4 awards and then to find out a week later that we made it to the finals even though we were fourth place because our points were so high.

The actual day was very emotional for me.  I hurt my knee only 5 days before the event so I had to rest it and sit out of the morning production meeting and the afternoon production meeting.  I also was so nervous that I ate almost nothing and had to rest and sleep for about half an hour to get my energy back.  Before going on stage I cried.  I’m not completely sure why but I think it may have been down to nerves!  And as soon as the lights went down at the end of the performance I cried again because it was all over.  Little did I know that it actually wasn’t!

All in all, Rock Challenge has always been a big part of my life ever since first year, and in my opinion this year was one of the best.  I a so proud of everyone and am very excited for the Scottish Finals in Dundee.

Catriona Sweeney 4Y

Scots Film & Song Success in Oyne

Enthusiastic Oyne School pupils have just completed an exciting project to
promote Scots language and song on DVD, the aim of which is to support
other teachers and their classes to explore Scots language, songs and
culture in a motivating and enjoyable way. Broadcaster/traditional singer,
Frieda Morrison, who is currently Artist in Residency for Scots Language
and Song for the School of Scottish Studies at Edinburgh University,
invited the children to select and work on a song from the Greig-Duncan
Folk Song Collection – this being the anniversary of Scotland’s most
extensive historical collection of Scots ballads and songs.

Through the film and song project, the children explored the words and
music of the song, Johnny Sangster – support was provided through
Enterprise Funding; by local musician, Sharon Hassan and drama specialist,
Margaret Hearne. Gary Swan of our Media Unit enabled the children to
experience how a film is made; giving the children a taste of the media
world as well as the rich culture of the north-east.

The resulting production is now available to view on our GLOW Wiki. The
link is http://glo.li/Tzdamx. If you right click, you can choose full
screen. Please enjoy and any feedback would be welcomed by the children.
The children are currently working on an Oscar style ceremony to celebrate
their achievements with family and friends which they will stage in March.

Well done to all involved 🙂

Winning Artist at Mill O’Forest

Mill O’ Forest Primary School has an off-site allotment at Baird Park in Stonehaven which the Primary 5/6 pupils visited in November of 2012. They walked through the local community considering the natural beauty that surrounds them, taking photographs to capture all the wonders on their doorstep. Their journey took them by the rugged coastline to the peaceful woodlands at Dunnottar, past wild birds in the River Carron and a number of flora and fauna. The pupils entered their wonderful photographs into the Shutterbugs competition run by GTCS. We are delighted to report that many of the photographs that were taken on that chilly day are now featured on the webpage showing entries from primary school children from across Scotland.

Yesterday we received a letter informing us that Rikki Gilchrist, a Primary 5 pupil, had won first place in the Shutterbugs competition! His picture of trees against the skyline thoroughly impressed the judges and earned him first place! The school are very proud of his wonderful achievement and are thrilled that he has been recognised in a national competition.

Many congratulations, Rikki!