Pupils from the P4-7 class at Drumblade primary have this term been involved in a project where they have incubated and hatched five healthy ducklings. From an initial ten eggs four failed to hatch one duckling hatched but did not survive.
The pupils have been more motivated than ever by the project and have based most of their Maths and Language work on the project over the term.
Primary 7 pupils from Drumblade School have been delivering training on the I Can… Glow web part to other schools across the network and beyond. The children have just finished the last training session on Friday 5th at Clatt School where they carried out a demonstration on the Smartboard before offering individual tuition to each of the schools pupils.
Over the course of the last year Drumblade pupils have delivered this training to nine schools including secondary pupils from S1, 2 and 3 at The Gordon Schools.
The project started as Drumblade pupils had been so enthusiastic when first using I Can… their Head Teacher, Fiona Nicolson, took a group of P6 pupils along to a cluster head teacher meeting to demonstrate the potential of I Can… The project took off from there, with a visit to secondary teachers from The Gordon Schools before their pupils and then the primaries.