Category Archives: Kemnay Cluster

Global Citizenship – Potential Links with Rwanda

Kemnay Academy’s exploration of potential links with a school and pupils in Rwanda is progressing as a focus for a sustainable approach to global citizenship. Recently, students from Harlaw Academy in Aberdeen City visited Kemnay Academy to brief S3 and senior students on their experiences in that country. Our S3 students study Rwanda as part of our Social Subjects curriculum. The briefing has fired our imagination and, together with our Charity Committee, we are planning to sponsor 4 Rwandan pupils through their secondary education. Our end of term non-uniform day will be geared to this. The Rwandan school system is quite different from ours and such sponsorship will make a huge difference to those pupils, their careers, their families and development of local community. However, it will also benefit our own pupils’ understanding of global issues and will complement our ethos of good citizenship and our Rights Respecting Schools Award work. We are working with a charity, Rwandan Schools Village Project (RSVP), to take this forward and to make a link directly with a Rwandan school. We hope to create interesting displays in the Academy to keep pupils up to date with our sponsored pupils’ and school’s progress. The charity’s website can be accessed through this link: We will keep you up to date with our progress via these newsletters, etc and build appropriate links into our website

Rights Respecting Schools


Rights Respecting Schools

On Thursday 26th and Friday 27th September a team of girls (Emily, Gudran, Georgia, Natasha, Claire and Emma, S3) from the Right Respecting Schools club did their Aberdeenshire Your Turn Course with Common Purpose.  The 2 days consisted of meeting and working with new people from different schools, learning what a good leader is, team building, effective questions, presentations from Ryan Manson, Genera Manager of Union Square, Chris Dunridge, Chief Executive, The Peoples Practice and HR consultant about being passionate about leadership and effective questioning, and helped specialists with their current work challenges.  We then had to present this information in front of the different schools; we even did a bit of acting!  All in all everyone had 2 great days out, and had a lot of new and improved skills to take away with them.  Having fun and learning more about out town, city and how our community works, understanding how business works and how decisions are made and truly learnt how to go out there and make a difference!  All these skills will help and reward us in our daily life and to follow our career paths for the future.         

Emily Gray, S3

Young Health Leaders @ Kemnay Academy

We are a group of S6 students: Lisa McWilliam (coordinator), Emma Forbes, Kathryn Dunn, Simon Cribbes and Alexandra Arr.  We will be working on Health related topics with a view to supporting Kemnay Academy and the community, concentrating on Emotional Health.  We will present our project to other Aberdeenshire schools in March at a celebration event within Aberdeenshire.

As we work through our project we will also be aiming to complete an SQA Leadership Award at SCQF level 5.

Above is our group and we are wearing our YHL badges and will shortly be given our own YHL hoodies to help raise our profile within the school

Science ‘snippets’ from Kemnay Academy

Advanced Higher Biology Practical Day
As part of our Advanced Higher Biology course, our class of seven students was invited to take part in a practical day at Aberdeen University. We were given the brilliant opportunity to use equipment that is used in a professional laboratory as well as attending interactive lectures. It gave us a great insight into how we would be taught at the University.
The experiment we conducted involved cutting up DNA with enzymes and separating it with electricity. It is known as Gel Electrophoresis. Gel Electrophoresis involves DNA being extracted from the cells of a plant or animal. The sample is then chopped up using restriction enzymes, and the samples are placed into wells in an agarose gel. The gel functions like a sieve allowing small pieces of DNA to move quickly while larger pieces move slowly. The gel is covered with a conducting buffer and an electrical current is passed across it. Since DNA has a negative charge, it migrates towards the anode, leading to the separation of DNA. This technique is frequently used in Forensic Investigations to help solve crimes.
We all found the day very interesting and enjoyable, taking away skills we can transfer to our own investigations in the future.   

Ruth Bryce 6KEC and Keren Lovie 6AYD

STEM in the Pipeline

A team of S6 pupils are working on a project using their Science, Maths and Engineering knowledge and skills. They have to study geological surveys and make economic decisions to produce a field development plan for an oil well. The team are mentored by Chris Hill a Geophysicist at BP, and will present their work at an event in December. They are competing against 15 other schools from across Aberdeen City and Shire.

The team comprises Finlay Smith, Crawford Ritchie, Alex Knapper, Douglas Park, Sean Clark and Meriem Kouadria. The team is drawing on skills developed in their work for the Energy Apprentice competition last year.

Off-Shore Europe

A group of S5 pupils attended the Energise your Future event at Off-Shore Europe. Pupils met engineers from a variety of companies and were given a tour of the exhibition. Opito gave pupils information about the variety of routes available into a career in the Energy sector including the Modern Apprentice scheme.

Advanced Higher Sciences at Aberdeen University

Pupils in the Advanced Higher Biology and Chemistry classes have attended practical activity days at Aberdeen University. They enjoyed the experience of using new and unfamiliar apparatus and will use their skills and knowledge to help with their project work. Advanced Higher Physics pupils will have a similar event later next term.

Science Baccalaureate

Three S6 pupils have embarked on the challenging Science Baccalaureate Inter-disciplinary Project. They have chosen projects investigating foetal and maternal health, selective breeding in the North East livestock industry and strandings of whales and dolphins. Pupils will be sharing their research findings with other pupils throughout the year.

Advanced Higher Project Planning

Mike Duncan from Morrisons, the construction company, gave S6 pupils a workshop in project planning.  Pupils learned skills which will be very useful when it comes to planning any task or event in the future.

S4 Science

The National 4 Science class have been working on a unit about Water.  Craig Christie from Scottish Water visited to give an overview of local water treatment and use.  The class also visited the local stretch of the River Don with a Ranger to investigate the ecosystem.  Pupils sampled invertebrates and carried out measurement tasks.  On Fridays, the class are learning about the local environment with visits around the Kemnay area. 

STEM in the Pipeline

A team of S6 pupils are working on a project using their Science, Maths and Engineering knowledge and skills. They have to study geological surveys and make economic decisions to produce a field development plan for an oil well. The team are mentored by Chris Hill a Geophysicist at BP, and will present their work at an event in December. They are competing against 15 other schools from across Aberdeen City and Shire.

The team comprises Finlay Smith, Crawford Ritchie, Alex Knapper, Douglas Park, Sean Clark and Meriem Kouadria. The team is drawing on skills developed in their work for the Energy Apprentice competition last year.


Off-Shore Europe

A group of S5 pupils attended the Energise your Future event at Off-Shore Europe. Pupils met engineers from a variety of companies and were given a tour of the exhibition. Opito gave pupils information about the variety of routes available into a career in the Energy sector including the Modern Apprentice scheme.


Advanced Higher Sciences at Aberdeen University

Pupils in the Advanced Higher Biology and Chemistry classes have attended practical activity days at Aberdeen University. They enjoyed the experience of using new and unfamiliar apparatus and will use their skills and knowledge to help with their project work. Advanced Higher Physics pupils will have a similar event later next term.


Science Baccalaureate

Three S6 pupils have embarked on the challenging Science Baccalaureate Inter-disciplinary Project. They have chosen projects investigating foetal and maternal health, selective breeding in the North East livestock industry and strandings of whales and dolphins. Pupils will be sharing their research findings with other pupils throughout the year.


Advanced Higher Project Planning


Mike Duncan from Morrisons, the construction company, gave S6 pupils a workshop in project planning.  Pupils learned skills which will be very useful when it comes to planning any task or event in the future.


Charity Committee

The committee rounded off a successful year with the annual Golf Day held at Kemnay Golf Club on 24 June.  Seventeen teams from a wide range of organisations played in a Texas Scramble with the winning teams being Anderson Bain and Kemnay Pupils.  Callum Scott (S3) won the Nearest the Pin competition.  The day raised over £1200.  We were grateful for sponsorship from Arcadion, Jasmine Holdings and Morrison Construction.  There will be a cheque presentation to our three focus charities at the Senior Achievement Ceremony on 4 July.  A small group from the committee were able to show their promotional DVD to new S6 pupils on their induction day.  They are to be congratulated for the time and effort they have put into producing this.  Social responsibility is high on the academy’s agenda and the Charity Committee offers senior pupils the opportunity to develop leadership and public speaking skills and to take ownership of organising a wide range of innovative events and challenges to raise much needed funds for local charities.

A new committee for 2013/2014 has already been formed and the main focus will be funding Emergency Boxes for disaster areas around the world.  This will involve the academy working closely with Kintore Rotary Club.

Well done to all involved 🙂

Poppy Scotland Video Competition


We entered Poppy Scotlands moving story competition in November 2012. The S3 class worked really hard on ideas about what remembrance meant to them. We came up with a theme first and the idea that we wanted it to be a positive and “joyful” message about our personal freedoms. We then worked on story boards in groups and agreed as a class to include the best ideas from each group. A script was the next job and Max Mackay (our producer/director) got to work on the technical side of things. We then started filming and were very pleased with the final product. We got it posted just before the deadline and hoped for the best.


We were thrilled when we heard we had been short listed to the final two – along with Kinlochbervie. This meant we would spend two days with a professional film maker getting to reshoot our film. The pupils really enjoyed this opportunity and were involved with lighting sound and filming as well as interviewing Tom Rooney and Gordon Rae who agreed to take part.


Then the public vote started! We waited for nearly three weeks knowing that it was too close to call and then the email came on the 28th June telling us that we had won. We were all very excited, and I was very pleased that the pupil’s hard work and effort had been recognised and rewarded.


“Winning the Poppy Scotland Video Competition is a superb achievement for our young people and I’m very proud indeed of the sensitivity and respect for service men and women, past and present, that they’ve shown in it.

Their experience will be a lasting one.  I’m looking forward to using the video to support next year’s poppy appeal and remembrance day.”


Dr Hunter, Rector

Electro-fishing Event

Kemnay Academy pupils enjoy as the River Don Trust demonstrates electro-fishing.

On Thursday 20 June, Jamie Urquhart and Steve Murphy from the River Don Trust visited the academy to demonstrate to S1 pupils the work they carry out. Pupils headed to the river to watch as the two showed pupils the electro- fishing. The process which temporarily stuns juvenile fish with a small shock is used to calculate river populations and assists with water quality and pollution monitoring.  All captured fish are quickly returned to the river, unharmed.

Jamie Urquhart from the trust said, “Each year we carry out a regular survey at each village along the Don. We cover all 82 miles of the river and aim to enhance bio-diversity. We are a charity organisation based at Cluny Castle. I enjoy my job as I am a fisherman myself.”

 The trust focuses on different points from the start of the river to the finish, especially concentrating on places like sewage pipes. On the day, the pupils saw many types of fish, salmon, trout and lamprey just to name a few. All pupils who took part in the event enjoyed it thoroughly and some said the fish felt ‘smooth’ others saying ‘slimy’.

Mathematics teacher Peter Gibson said, “It was good to see pupils engaging directly with the environment and learning of the contribution that Mathematics and the Sciences make in understanding the natural world to which we belong. Many thanks to Jamie and Steven from the Don Trust, for running the event so well and whose expertise and enthusiasm were wonderful reward for the pupils’ hard work throughout S1.”

Lee Aitken

Well done to all involved 🙂

Youth Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) Scotland National Event 2013

This year’s YPI Final for Kemnay Academy was won by Isobel Thomson and Sarah-Jane Christie from Bennachie House.  Their chosen charity was ‘Riding for the Disabled’ (Gordon Branch). 

Further to their success, the girls and Ms Donaldson were invited to attend the YPI Scotland National Event at Perth Concert Hall on Wednesday 19th June 2013.  The event was held to celebrate the successes of all the winning teams across Scotland, and for those that helped to make it happen.  At present there are over 80 schools participating across all Local Authorities in Scotland. 

The audience were entertained by Aberdeen singer/songwriter Myke Black, with the headline act being Sandi Thom.  The guest speaker was Katherine Grainger, Britain’s most successful female rower, who won Olympic Gold at the London 2012 Olympics.  Ms Grainger was appointed CBE this year for services to rowing, and her Olympic achievements make her the first female British athlete – in any sport – to gain medals in four consecutive Olympic Games.  The girls, and Ms Donaldson, were photographed with Ms Grainger as can be seen in the photographs below. 

 Photograph of the winners and Ms Donaldson with Olympic Gold Medal Winner Katherine Grainger at the YPI Scotland National Event at Perth Concert Hall, June 2013.

European Netball Championships

A small group of S1 and S2 girls attended the European Netball Championships at Aberdeen Sports Village on Friday, 31 May. This was their chance to see top class netball and get a few autographs from some of the best players.  Louise Dorrington, Caitlin Robbie, Tricia Kelly, Hannah Power and Xenoa Campbell-Ledgister watched 3 matches and said: ‘’We really enjoyed it!  They were really skilful and it was very fast!  The netball was entertaining and exciting – the best match was Wales against England!’

RGC/Albyn Invitational Athletics Championships

On 16 May a team of 30 S1 – 3 pupils competed in the inter-school Athletics Championships at the Sports Village. This was the first occasion a team from Kemnay competed at these championships and with some outstanding individual performances the team achieved 8th place out a total of 19 competing teams. S1 pupils: Alix Still achieved 1st place in both the 100m and the long jump; Laurie Allardes achieved 2nd place in the high jump with Caitlin Gray winning points for the team in 8th place; S2 pupils: Caitlin Robbie and Louise Dorrington won points in the shot and the 1500m respectively, achieving 6th place while Mason Reid was narrowly beaten into 4th place in his 1500m race; S3 pupils: Douglas Young had an outstanding meet by achieving 2nd place in the 1500m and 5th place in the shot; Cara MacKenzie came 3rd and Emily Cossar 5th in the 100m and Emily also came 4th in the long jump. The relay teams all performed well with both the S3 boys and S3 girls winning points. All pupils were a credit to Kemnay Academy in their attitude and behaviour – well done to all the team! Following her outstanding performance in the long jump, Alix was selected to represent South Grampian in the inter-district team championships.