Category Archives: Kennethmont School

Fundraising Coffee Morning at Kennethmont

On Wednesday 30th January pupils from Kennethmont Primary School held a fundraising coffee morning in aid of Mary’s Meals.

 The coffee afternoon had a Scottish theme and visitors were served coffee and shortbread and enjoyed a range of entertainment by the entertainment group.  This included Highland dancing, Scottish music and recitations of Scottish poems.

 They successfully planned and organised the event through a joint initiative between the Health & Eco Group and the Pupil Council.

 A total of £70 was raised at this event and 15 filled back packs were also collected on the afternoon.

 The Coffee Afternoon was very well attended by all members of the community.

 The Pupil Groups plan to make this a regular monthly event with different themes and any monies raised will go to different charities. 

Dates for your diary – Wednesday 27th February     Coffee Afternoon from 2-3pm

                                 – Wednesday  27th March

                                 – Wednesday 24th April

                                 – Wednesday 29th May

                                 – Wednesday 26th June

STEM – Scottish Engineering Leaders Award – Kennethmont

Two pupils from Kennethmont Primary School were shortlisted to as finalists in the STEM Scottish Engineering Leaders Award. 

As part of the competition  all pupils in the school were involved in researching science, technology, maths  and engineering initiatives  in Scotland; interviewing volunteer engineers who attended the school; and  4 lucky pupils enjoyed a day out to BP in Dyce where they were involved in interviewing a range of  engineers and video conferencing with engineers on an oil platform.   This day out was a great experience for the pupils and they were inspired by a range of engineers and also inspired the engineers. The interview questions the pupils came up with were thought provoking and interesting.

From their research and interviews pupils then had to either write or draw about what they would invent if they were a young engineer in Scotland today.   The designs and inventions were many and varied and certainly set us thinking.  Pupils enjoyed the work for the competition and were excited about their entries. 

 To our great delight two of our pupils were shortlisted for a special mention and another pupil’s design was used in the invitations to the prizewinning event.  The shortlisted entries were put on display at the Barony in Glasgow and pupils and parents received a special certificate and invitation to the event. 

Copy of a letter re-competition

Dear Annabel,

The judging took place within the last 24 hours and out of over 1500 entries only 155 were shortlisted which included Kirsten Henderson and Arwen Scott from which 10 winners were selected. 

Although Kirsten Henderson and Arwen Scott were not selected as one of the 10 winners their work will be displayed with all other shortlisted entries in The Barony on 14th (by invite only) and over the weekend of 15th and 16th.

I have attached the public weekend invite as we would like it if Kirsten Henderson and Arwen Scott and their families could come along to see their work on display in The Barony of course everyone is welcome.

Address for The Barony is:

Rottenrow East

G4 0RA

All other entries although may not have been shortlisted do receive their certificate.

 Best regards,

 Susan Loxley

 Copy of an e mail from one of the engineers

Good questions from the kids today

One further piece for the kids on who inspired me when I was there age – I guess there were two people Kenny Dalglish (great footballer) whom I named, but the other key person who had a strong influence and really generated my enthusiasm for science, was Neil Armstrong. I remember to this day sitting in the school canteen and they brought in the black and white TV and let us watch Neil Armstrong taking his first steps on the moon.  Having watched the rocket launch and followed this on TV, to see someone stand on the moon was truly awe inspiring.  I then bought all the material I could get my hands on (what my parents could afford) on space exploration!  Had I not become and engineering/scientist, being an astronaut would have been my dream job.

Please pass this along to the kids and thank them again for a thought provoking session.


Trevor Grose

Well done to the pupils involved 🙂