S1 Social Studies – Adam’s Bairns

All S1 Social Studies pupils are currently studying the topic Adam’s Bairns which is a History and Modern Studies topic.  Pupils have been studying the Forced Movement of People:  Clearances, Emigration, Refugees and Asylum Seekers, Scottish Identity and Diversity:  Who is a Scot? Immigration Past and Present, Prejudice and Discrimination:  Scottish Gypsies and Travellers.

Throughout the topic pupils are taking part in a Homework Competition.  Pupils can select Homework pieces from a list of 15 such as make a 3D model using junk, write a report on a Great Scot, write a film review, create a Refugee Camp and research “Your Scotland’s Story”.  Pupils can also create their own tasks if they have an Adam’s Bairns link.  So far the pupils have come up with some fantastic pieces of work including a model of the Highlands, a model of a Black House, a sheep, a refugee model and an Andy Murray Fact File and Quiz.

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