Kemnay Cluster – P7 Technology Transition Event

Kemnay Academy was again the venue for our annual P7 Technology Transition event.

Our four Cluster primary schools, Alehousewells, Kemnay, Kinellar and Kintore brought along their P7 (soon to be the new S1!) pupils for the morning.

The curricular focus is Technology, with the pupils being judged on their knowledge of structures and problem solving skills. With competitors working together with pupils from other schools for the first time, they also displayed their ability to be successful team members and effective contributors.

In groups of 5 they were set the task of designing and building high tech paper aeroplanes. Their structures were  be constructed using only paper, tape and paper clips and required to meet specific performance criteria; greatest distance, most accurate flight and most acrobatic.

S6 pupils together with younger students from the Academy were on hand to lend their support and ideas to the future Academy pupils and a fun but competitive time was had by all!

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