Rock Challenge 2013 @Kemany Academy

I was so lucky to get a main part in rock Challenge this year, but it is a lot of work.  You have to try to set an example and the standard you want everyone to reach.  You need to try your best all the time.  Also, I got to choreograph dances which I love to do.  I worked so hard this year trying to get the dances I helped choreograph absolutely perfect, and it paid off as the judges actually commented on one of the dances saying the choreography was amazing (this is down to Sarah Michie and Rachel Mackie too)!

I also put a lot of effort into the drama side of things which, in previous years, I’ve never really bothered to do.  That also paid off as we got a high mark in drama, so overall I am very proud of how well we’ve done this year!  I was also over the moon to get 4 awards and then to find out a week later that we made it to the finals even though we were fourth place because our points were so high.

The actual day was very emotional for me.  I hurt my knee only 5 days before the event so I had to rest it and sit out of the morning production meeting and the afternoon production meeting.  I also was so nervous that I ate almost nothing and had to rest and sleep for about half an hour to get my energy back.  Before going on stage I cried.  I’m not completely sure why but I think it may have been down to nerves!  And as soon as the lights went down at the end of the performance I cried again because it was all over.  Little did I know that it actually wasn’t!

All in all, Rock Challenge has always been a big part of my life ever since first year, and in my opinion this year was one of the best.  I a so proud of everyone and am very excited for the Scottish Finals in Dundee.

Catriona Sweeney 4Y

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