Government recognition of work by Kemnay Academy Student Glow Committee

Last session Kemnay Academy reached a milestone with GLOW. The Academy team submitted and wrote the first ever Kemnay Academy GLOW report for what the Academy use GLOW for in the day to day running as well as the attainment of pupils and parents using Glow during the last session. Before the summer break the team met with MSP’s and Aberdeenshire officials to take forward the ideas featured in the report. I am pleased to inform pupils that after many meetings last session the GLOW team got a reply from the cabinet secretary and he called the Academy “A credit to education in Scotland” for writing the report and taking it to his officials. The Academy strives to become one of the top schools using GLOW in Aberdeenshire and in Scotland to help us the Government along with myself are running a survey that will be in registration folders for all pupils and staff to have a say on GLOW. The new GLOW has been unveiled and the team in the coming months will keep you updated with developments. I will be inviting pupils and staff to view the new GLOW in December 2012

Surveys go out in November. This information will go to create a second Academy GLOW report and will be available for all to view.

Kieran Swanson S5

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