Slains Eco Team Award

This is the very first time that Slains School has entered the “Formartine Beginning to Blossom” competition and we are absolutely thrilled to have been chosen as the overall winners and were presented with a Gold award. The Eco Team from Slains School is very ably headed up by Mrs Frances Slesser, upper stages teacher. This year two of our parent helpers have been very involved with the Eco Group, Dr Tracy Coxon and Mrs Robyn Bates.

 The children who were charged with the duty of showing the judges round were, Caitlyn Norrie, Lauren Sinclair, Sophie Coxon and Lily Burrows. This year the judges were Bob Davis and Carol Baxter of Beechgrove Garden fame.

The whole school is delighted to have won and to mark the occasion all of the school children had an extra 15 minutes of Golden Time that week. In keeping with the theme of the Olympics, Mrs Robyn Bates took home the litter – pickers

 and sprayed them Gold!

From a very happy Slains School 🙂 

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