
Welcome to Monikie Primary School. We are a friendly and welcoming rural school on the border of Angus and Dundee.

Our School Vision

We are currently revisiting our school vision and will update it here once it is finalised.

Our Monikie Values

Our Monikie values were developed in consultation with all stakeholders in the school. We consulted staff, children, parents and our community.

Our Values are:

  • Respect
  • Inclusion
  • Kindness
  • Honesty

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Our School Houses 

We have three houses at our school, hedgehogs, otters and ducks. The houses are used to group the children for various activities and the children earn points for their house on days such as sports day and house challenge days. Our House Captains are formed from our P7 learners and they help to lead the teams in events. At the end of the academic session, the house with the most points over the course of the year wins the house shield.


Across our schools, we aim to Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC). This is in line with the GIRFEC policy developed by the Scottish Government. These indicators are; Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respectful, Responsible and Included.  These have been developed over time across our school community and have become part of our language of learning. Children are encouraged to reflect upon our school vision, values and aims as part of their daily routine to consolidate positive behaviour.