Tag Archives: Portfolio

Personal/Reflective Writing Folio

The deadline for your first draft is Monday 18th September 2017.

The folio makes up 15% of your overall grade and must be submitted if you are to sit your National 5 qualification.

The first draft must be:

  •  As close to 1,000 words as you can make it.
  • Completed (No half stories/two paragraphs)
  • Include varied vocabulary and be interesting to read
  • Very neatly handwritten or typed up (The final piece must be typed up)

You can bring your draft to class on Monday 18th September 2017 or email it to me at gw14maxwelljill@glow.sch.uk

Help sheets – National 5 – Personal Reflective Writing

Assessment Grid – (page 9 https://www.sqa.org.uk/files_ccc/GAInfoNational5EnglishPortfolio.pdf

BBC Bitesize – http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/guides/zjdfr82/revision

I will be available to give additional support Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes. If you would rather stay after school to work on the folio piece then let me know and I will see what I can arrange.

Discursive Writing Folio

There are three types of essay that you can write for this folio:

  1. Informative
  2. Discursive/Argumentative
  3. Persuasive

The most common type is #2. Candidates pick a topic that has two sides, researches both and form at least 3 strong arguments for both. These arguments are backed up with evidence from external sources and is referenced at the end of the essay.

However, you may like to consider the challenge of writing a persuasive essay. A persuasive essay can be researched or alternatively it can be an opinion piece that relies on sophisticated persuasive language and humour to get your point across.

Some common topics that have been written about often are: euthanasia, animal testing, abortion, death penalty, footballer’s wages, legalising cannabis…

If you REALLY want to do one of those topics then I can’t stop you but I strongly urge you to be a bit more inventive.

The list of possible topics is endless but here are a few to get you thinking.

  • TV talent shows are ruining the music industry.
  • Should the burka be banned?
  • Are politicians undervalued in modern day society ?
  • Are we slaves to technology?
  • Do online retailers spell the end of the high street shop?
  • Are community campuses the way forward in education?
  • Does on-demand spell the end for television?
  • Gambling: should it be legal?
  • Fake News
  • Social Media
  • Brexit
  • Politicians should be held accountable
  • Donald Trump
  • Has political correctness gone too far?
  • The school leaving age should be raised/lowered.
  • Exams should be abolished.
  • P.E. should be every day.
  • The teaching of Gaelic should be compulsory in Scottish schools.
  • Voting should be compulsory.
  • The monarchy should be abolished.
  • Ban factory farming.
  • Eliminate food waste.
  • Recycling should be a legal requirement.
  • We should holiday in the UK.
  • Make tobacco a class A drug.
  • Organ donation should be an opt-out system.
  • Treat people who look after their health before those who have abused theirs.
  • Ban reality TV.
  • Ban Valentines Day.
  • Ban beauty contests.
  • Ban boxing.
  • Introduce video refereeing into sport.
  • Bring back national service.
  • The internet is ruining community spirit.
  • More needs to be done to combat the dwindling bee population.