Tag Archives: P7

P7 Transition Visit

img_7552On Monday 20th February P7 pupils from Ladyloan P.S & Timmergreens P.S visited Arbroath High School for a STEM Technology visit to familiarise themselves with the technology department and workshops.  While at the high school the pupils made trebuchets.  These were most commonly used in the Middle Ages in battle. 

img_7559img_7572Mrs Grogan, the transition teacher introduced the pupils to some high school staff and prefects who helped the children build the trebuchets.

They used resources such as saws, hot glue guns, different pieces of woods and other materials.

Both classes were scared at first but soon understood what they had to do, work as a team!

At the end of the session they displayed the finished trebuchets and made it back to school by 3pm.    

Written by Fey (P7)

Edited& Uploaded by Digital Leader Team    
