Tag Archives: P6

Arbroath Relay Event

Eight P6’s competed in a relay completion with other schools in Angus. Mrs McInally helped us to get better with our baton passing skills. Everybody got to race in different heats. There was a race between the P6 girls and boys to see who would compete, the girls chosen were, Amelie, Beth, Ellie and Daisy and the boys were Kyle F, Leo, Angus and Michael. The girls came 3rd and the boys came 5th. Everyone that was chosen was proud to represent our school.

By Amelie and Beth

The P6’s have had homework about Medieval Scotland and they had their own choice about making something related to our topic. They have worked very hard making these items.  The fab work is displayed in the upper area cloakroom. People have made castles, weapons, menus, games, costumes and battlefields. The P6’s would really like to show you what they’ve made.

The P6’s hope you like what they have created!