The School Day


Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child/ren attend school regularly and arrive on time.  They are also responsible for ensuring the safety of their children on the journeys to and from school.

Stage Start Break Lunch Break End of day
Primaries 1 – 2 9.00 10.30 – 10.50 12.30 – 1.30 2.30-2.45 3.15
Primaries 3 – 7 9.00 10.30 – 10.50 12.30 – 1.30   3.20
Pre-School am 8.45   11.55
Pre-School pm 12.20   3.30


Parents are asked to co-operate by not having children arrive in the morning too early as there is no supervision in the playground until 9:00am.

Our breakfast club opens daily from 8:00am and pupils are encouraged to attend as there are many different games/activities on offer.

Those who go home for lunch should not return before 1.20pm, especially in wet weather.