For safety reasons, it is essential that pupils wear the appropriate PE kit at all times in the gym hall and this should consist of white T-shirt, black shorts and gym shoes (not outdoor trainers).  The school does not permit pupils to wear football strips for PE.  Gym kits should be in a bag clearly marked with the pupil’s name.  Children are not permitted to wear any form of jewellery during PE lessons.  Earrings, etc. should be removed or alternatively you should supply micropore tape for placing over the earrings.

All clothing brought to school should have the pupil’s name clearly marked as it can be difficult for children to distinguish their own clothing from others.


No-one will doubt the benefit of regular fresh air for our children.  To meet the Scottish Government target of two hours of PE a week in every school for every child, many schools are now using the outdoors as well as the gym hall to teach physical education all year round.  The benefits of using the outdoors are clearly that children have more space to learn in as well as gaining this much valued fresh air.  Many children already develop their physical skills through out of school activities and at weekend or evening activities.

As parents and carers you also make sure your children are dressed warmly and appropriately and encourage them to play outdoors, eg, in the back garden, local park.

The cold weather will not be a concern.  We do not use the outdoors on days where the weather is too poor or dangerous.  Just as with wet playtimes, if the weather is not suitable, the children do not go out.

On the day that your child has Outdoor PE, your child is encouraged to come into school wearing appropriate clothing.  This means they do not have to carry it with them.

Appropriate clothing includes:  joggers, t-shirts, trainers, sweatshirts and jackets