The Declaration of Ladyloan


The Declaration of Ladyloan was created in collaboration with staff, parents & pupils to give our school a clear vision.

It is important that our children leave school with confidence in their abilities and skills for life long learning.  Our aim is make Ladyloan Primary the best learning environment so that our pupils feel safe and know that they have our full support to be the best they can be.

The Declaration of Ladyloan can be seen in every classroom as well as other areas around the school.  A team of School Improvement Leaders are currently working alongside Mrs Davie to find out how everyone within our school community can help us be the best.


The Ladyloan Primary School declaration is a guideline to success. It was put in place to give us all a “clear vision” of what we want and how we want to achieve it. Without it we wouldn’t know where to go from here, we will keep following our “aspiration” until we reach our goal of harmony throughout the entire school and at home. Mrs Davie herself stated that “It’s why we do what we do”, without a goal, there would be no guidelines, without guidelines there would be no order. The declaration is very important for many reasons, including the previous, the declaration will help make some social interactions more polite. What I mean by this is that without basic rules of how we interact with others, one of our pupils could go up to someone and ask something completely inappropriate.

By Ellee and Ernestas