Chance and Probability

On Friday 9th of June Primary 4 brought in Pokémon cards, bingo, Yu-Gi-Oh, Perudo and Top Trumps.  In groups, we played each of the games to practise our chance and probability skills.  This was a fun way to do maths.

“It was really great and I want to do it again!” – Takya

“It was a really fun way of learning more chance and probability” – Freya

“It was really fun and I can’t wait to do it again!” – Jack

“It was amazing, epic and fun!” – Pearce


Ladyloan Fun Day!

The school fun day was really exciting there was stalls and a bouncy castle!  It was a nice day and hopefully the school raised a lot of money. There were drinks and food  in the gym hall there were dancers and more stalls to buy stuff from. There were cupcakes to buy there! It was nice to go to school and not have to work at all! There was a tombola and teddies to be won. Everyone enjoyed it! There was a fire engine as well go, sit in and look at.

By Ian and Katie P4

Primary 6 Cycling

The p6s have been bringing their bikes to school on Fridays for cycle training. First we had our bikes checked, then moved on to work on some skills. We have learned how to brake and drills.  We also learned how to check our bikes, we learned that our bikes resembled an M shape. We also learned how to lean our bikes against the wall without taking up to much room. If people did not have a bike they would be able to share with someone else.

By Amelie

The Blue Men of Minch

The Blue Men of Minch are mythical creatures looking for sailors to drown. They have the power to create storms, but when the weather is fine they sleep floating on or just below the surface of the water. When a group approaches a ship the chief may shout out two lines of poetry to the master of the vessel and challenge him to complete the verse. If the skipper fails in that task then the Blue Men of Minch will attempt to overturn the ship and capsize it.

    By Amelie