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Calling all Environmentalists!

Primary 4 are planning to do their bit to help our local environment on Wednesday 10th May!  We are going to be going to the section of beach behind the Signal Tower to take part in a beach clean between 9.30 and 11.30.

We are looking for any parents, carers or friend’s of the school to come along and help us.  We have ordered extra litter pickers in the hope of volunteers attending.

Interested?  Please contact the school or leave a comment to let us know you will be joining us.

Thanks in advance!

P6 Smoking Workshop

Smoking Workshop

On Monday 24th April, the P6’s had a smoking workshop show with 2 lovely ladies, Stephanie and Julia. They were from NHS Tayside – Shaper Caper. The P6’s got to learn about how smoking is bad and how to stop it.

P6’s had the whole day to learn about smoking, and learn the play. In the morning, Stephanie and Julia had shown the play and talked a bit about smoking, and in the afternoon the P6’s did their play, showing it to the P5’s. There even were some disgusting pictures of what would happen inside your mouth when you smoked. P6’s got to dress up and all of them had a role. It was amazing!

Written By Lydie P6

Make 10 31.3.17


Demarcus, Tulisa, Avi, Alex, Mollie and Charlie


Caly, Ellie, Cole and Amy F




Thomas, Poppy, Katie and Gavril


Kieran, Alisha, Charlotte, Ellie M and Amy M


Daisy, Michael, Kyle D, Kieran and Emi




Cosmic Homework

Primary 4s were set a challenge to design and create a Space themed model.  Miss Ferrie and Miss Christie were amazed at the creativity of all the models brought into school.  There were so many different ideas.  All pupils took part in the ‘Homework Showcase’ by asking and answering questions about their models and giving each other feedback.  A BIG thank you goes to all those parents who were part of the process! Have a look at some of the models and let us know what you think!