Category Archives: P4-P6

P6 Smoking Workshop

Smoking Workshop

On Monday 24th April, the P6’s had a smoking workshop show with 2 lovely ladies, Stephanie and Julia. They were from NHS Tayside – Shaper Caper. The P6’s got to learn about how smoking is bad and how to stop it.

P6’s had the whole day to learn about smoking, and learn the play. In the morning, Stephanie and Julia had shown the play and talked a bit about smoking, and in the afternoon the P6’s did their play, showing it to the P5’s. There even were some disgusting pictures of what would happen inside your mouth when you smoked. P6’s got to dress up and all of them had a role. It was amazing!

Written By Lydie P6

Open Jotter Evening

Open Jotter Event

On Tuesday 28th March the school was open for parents/carers to see their children’s work. Before they went off to the classes they were presented a PowerPoint by Katie, Ryan, Nicole, Joshua and Ellee. This presented twice and the times at 4:10pm and 5:00pm.  The children put in a lot of hard work by staying behind after school and helping the parents know a little bit more about the declaration, presenting the PowerPoint and helping at the feedback station.

A few of the digital leaders were at the feedback station waiting for the parents to leave some comments. The parents were allowed to take a strip of paper and write their name on it and it would get added to the declaration.

There were two computers set up with the Ladyloan twitter page and the Ladyloan blog in case  any parents wanted to have a look. Some parents left comments about the declaration and some about the twitter and blog.

We are hoping to have more parents/carers involved with our declaration.

Written by Katie P & Ryan

Your Voice Your Choice 5K Give Away

Your Voice Your Choice 5K Give Away

Last night four pupils from Ladyloan attended St. Andrews Church in Arbroath for the ‘Your Voice Your Choice’ bid and presentation.

The Scottish Government set aside £5,000 for community improvements in Arbroath.

In our school we have been working hard on our reading and literacy skills.  The pupils asked for £1,000 to continue raising attainment within Ladyloan.

The pupils shared the work they had done so far and what they planned to do with the money if they were successful.

Many other community groups attended including, The Learning Tree Partnership, Fireworks for Arbroath & Arbroath Men’s Shed.

Ladyloan were given over £700 towards the purchase of comprehension cards.

Well done to the pupils who went along to present.

Written by Ellie M & Ellie S

New School…

The classes attended an assembly to hear about plans for our exciting new school.  Dave Smith from Angus Council was there to show us how the new school will look and answer any questions we had.


Each class was given time to look over the plans and leave comments or feedback for Dave and his team.


We are all really looking forward to the start of the build later this year! 🙂