Author Archives: Mrs Whiting

Breakfast & Activity Clubs

This term, our free Breakfast Club has attracted many more visitors.  We now have lots of different games to play before 9:00am and parents/carers are welcome to come and join in the fun too! More details can be found on the Parent/Carers tab. 🙂

Mrs Whiting has recently started a Chess Club.  While in Glenshee, Jake (P7) taught her how to play and now it is open to P5-7.  This club runs every Tuesday & Wednesday.  It is currently full at the moment but pupils can still note their interest.  The pupils are loving it, giving them the opportunity to think logically, experiment with tactics and encourage each other.

Ryan & Kyle (P7) came to Mrs MacDonald to ask about starting their own Football Club for younger pupils.  They were told they had to create letters to go home, gather resources and plan out their weekly sessions.  P1 visited the lunchtime club today and… WOW!! The boys are a natural.  Very efficient and responsible, giving so much praise and encouragement.  They have even sourced medals and todays medal went to Sarah… 🙂



Language of the Month…

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For the month of September we took part in Language of the Month.  We have many children at Ladyloan who have English as an additional language and we wanted to find out a little more about different languages and cultures.

Our language of the month was Russian.  Each class took part in different activities and some even did some fab research on an aspect of Russian culture.

Mrs Milne (EAL teacher) and pupils from AHS came to help some of the younger class pronounce simple Russian phrases.

We now have a Language of the Month display in school that you can check out in more detail during open-evenings and other school events.  The Digital Leaders have made a great job of making this display interactive using the ipads

Digital Leaders Team 🙂

Online Learning Journal

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This session we are trialling the SeeSaw app with 4 teachers across the school to document the pupils learning.