Arbroath Abbey P4

We made mini booklets here’s some pictures:

When we went to the Abbey we first walked in to the Abbey we went to the Abbot’s house to put our packed lunches down around the edge of the room, then we went to explore the Abbot’s house. We saw what how graves were sealed so that people didn’t dig them up for scientific research to see how old they are.

Here’s a fact there are spiral staircases for a reason so if there were intruders because it would be easier to fight walking backwards up the stairs than it is walking up. Once we were finished in the Abbot’s house we had our snacks then went SHOCKINGLY up more spiral stairs to get to the viewing point to see the whole Abbey:

Then we had to pretend to sleep as Monks and wake up to do our prayers and eat then we had our lunch after our lunch we measured how tall the Abby is it was 32 metres tall!!!  And from the start of the pillars to the end of them was 43 metres long.

Jack, Aiden and Murrin dressed up as Monks. Here are some pictures and Jack’s costume was too big for him.

We all had a great day and would like to thank Astrid from Historic Scotland for making it such a good day.

By Thomas.










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