
At Ladyloan Primary School homework is seen as a partnership between home and school.  Every family in our school community will have a different context and perspective regarding learning at home.  The school will aim to provide types and frequency of homework that meets the needs of the child, family circumstances and the school as a whole.

A survey of parents was carried out in December 2015 which gathered parent/carer’s views on both homework in general and the homework provided by us. The results indicated that the majority of parents/carers wanted homework to continue and the current homework was suitable in terms of amount and complexity.  Comments in the survey suggested that there were inconsistencies across the school with regards to the amount and types of homework that was being sent home. As a result we have considered the results of the survey and have slightly amended what will be given as homework.


Approximate amount of homework per week

All homework will be set on a Monday to be completed for the following Friday

P1  Daily reading, word recognition and sound recognition.  Four days a week. 15 minutes a day.

P2  Daily to twice weekly reading and tricky word recognition.  Revision of number bonds.  Four days a week. 15 minutes a day.

P3  Regular reading, spelling of common words.  Times tables.  Four days a week. 15 minutes a day.

P4  Regular reading, spelling of common words, times tables . Four days a week. 15 minutes a day.

P5  Regular reading, spelling words per, times tables.  Four days a week. 15 minutes a day.

P6  Regular reading, spelling words, revision of times tables.  Four days a week. 30 minutes a day maximum.

P7  Regular reading, spelling words, multiplication and division facts.     Four days a week. 30 minutes a day maximum.


In order to try to meet the needs of all families in our school communities a range of supplementary homework websites are below to support any parent/carer who feels that their child would benefit from additional work at home.

When family circumstances mean that a child is not able to complete their homework then the parent should contact the school to discuss the situation in order to find additional support.