Hints and Tips

Ipad Safety

Do you have an ipad at home?

Do you know how to keep you and your child safe?

iteach – advice for parents  offers a wide range of handy tips to keep safe when using the internet.  It looks at restrictions, controls and useful apps your children can use to help with their school work.

Click the link above to find out more…


Image result for education scotland

Have you had a look at the Education Scotland website?

The Parent Zone tab offers a wide range of information and tips to help support you child with Literacy, Numeracy and Health & Wellbeing

Click on the link below for more information…

Education Scotland – Parent Zone


Stuck for ideas of what to do during the holidays?

We are lucky in angus that there are an amazing number of things to do and see right on our doorstep…. some even FREE!  Below are links to the what’s on websites where you can check out what is on in our local area!





Have a great holiday when it comes next Friday (31.3.17)



How much sleep does your child need?

A recent TV programme has highlighted the importance of sleep in children and teenagers.  ‘Psychology Today’ recommends that children require 9-12 hours sleep per night.  If you are interested in watching the full episode here is the link:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08hymf3/panorama-sleepless-britain

What damage does poor sleep cause?

Lack of sleep or a restless sleep can result in poor concentration, increased appetite for unhealthy foods and a general bad mood.  All of these can affect your child’s ability to learn.

How can we ensure our children are getting the sleep they need?

It’s all about routine.  Ensuring minimal stimulation before bedtime can help promote a good quality sleep.  A bath or shower an hour before bed and bedtime stories help to settle your child ready to sleep.  Turn off TVs and tablets at least an hour before bed to avoid stimulating your children’s brains into thinking it is day time.  Our bodies rely on our melatonin levels helping us to relax into a restful sleep, devices interfere with this process causing us to be more alert.  Changing routine is hard, so persevere!

My child needs the TV or tablet to sleep?

There is a vast amount of research into the dangers of ‘blue light’ before bed.  Blue light emitted from tablets and consoles stimulates the brain into thinking it is daytime.  If you want to find out more follow this link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/9533249/Using-iPads-before-bed-can-lead-to-a-poor-nights-sleep.html

What are the benefits of a good night’s sleep?

There are many benefits to getting the right amount of sleep.  Our bodies and brains are ready for the day ahead.  Your child should be able to engage more fully in their education and therefore their attainment will improve.  General mood and energy levels will also improve which will help your child be more physically active throughout the day and reduce the craving for high sugary foods.

If you have found this useful or informative and would like to see more information around a range of subjects eg reading, mathematics, social skills etc please like and leave a comment below.