Monthly Archives: December 2017

make 10 8/12/17


Make 10   8-12-17

in the 2 day week Lydie in p7 made 10!!

P1D – No One

P1J – Evie Cooper, Theo, Emily Cooper

P2 – Alex, Alexandro, Jay

P3C – Cole, Daily, Oliver, Millon

P3/4 – Cole

P4 – No One

P5G – No one

P6M – Amy M

P6R – Keris, Morgan

P7 – Michael

How they made 10

‘I was sitting quietly’ Alex

‘I was sitting quietly’ Evie

Written by cerys and emi

Class Learning – P7

P7 have been learning about space and the solar system for their topic. To end their learning on their topic, they had to create a model of the solar system at home.


They used loads of different materials such as: clay, string, paper-mashie, coat hangers, polystyrene and many more  materials

There are 29 pupils in P7 and they all made a project!

By Jake T and Kyle C