Ladyloan Fun Day!

The school fun day was really exciting there was stalls and a bouncy castle!  It was a nice day and hopefully the school raised a lot of money. There were drinks and food  in the gym hall there were dancers and more stalls to buy stuff from. There were cupcakes to buy there! It was nice to go to school and not have to work at all! There was a tombola and teddies to be won. Everyone enjoyed it! There was a fire engine as well go, sit in and look at.

By Ian and Katie P4

4 thoughts on “Ladyloan Fun Day!

  1. we raised a fantastic amount of money – over £950 at the fun day. we look forward to working with all the children after summer to hear how they think the money should be spent. jenny

  2. hi we are really pleased you enjoyed the fun day. We raised over £950 for the school and parent council. After the summer we will be asking pupils to help us decide how the money should be spent! jenny from parent council

  3. thanks Ian and Katie. we had fun organsing the fun day and we were really happy with how it went. We raised over £950 and after the summer we want you and other children to help us decide how all the money should be spent.
    jenny, dawn, Liz, sasha, Alison, laura, laura, Karen and all the other helpers on the parent council

  4. We had fun too. Us parent council members and other helpers, made up of mums & dads were very busy running stalls and organising everything.

    The cake stall and hotdogs all went down very well. The dancing was good too. Maybe you won a teddy or some chocolate?

    We raised lots of pounds, so if there is anything you think that can benefit the school, let your teachers know.



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