Can you see us?

As we have been working so hard to keep our blog up and running, we are interested to find out who has been following us.  Please leave your name, a comment or an emoji to let us know you can see us!

Thanks in advance,

The Bloggers Squad.

6 thoughts on “Can you see us?

    1. Post author

      Thanks Jenny and Dawn – we love to share with everyone at home! Any ideas on how we can get more parents to view this?

      1. It’s a hard one, mums I’ve spoken to say they just forget. A weekly text might remind parents.

        Have a look at the Seesaw school app…. Maybe a different approach?

        1. Thanks Dawn, It’s like you read our mind.

          We will be trialling the Seesaw app next session with a few classes to see how beneficial this will be.

          Miss Halder 🙂


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