Monthly Archives: June 2017

P4 Homework Challenge

We chose a homework topic to research.  Some of our topics were: Pokémon, Alexander Graham Bell, tennis, tornadoes, volcanoes and sea creatures.   We made up research questions to help us find out information.  We did some work in school and some at home.

We enjoyed doing our project.

Pearce – ‘I like that we got to choose our own project.’

Libby – ‘I liked how we got to give feedback to our classmates.’

Jack ‘I want to do it again.’

Thomas – ‘I liked how there was no limit to the size of the project.’

Paige – ‘I liked that everybody did something different.’

Ian – ‘I like cactus.’


Miss Ferrie and Miss Christie would like to thank all the parents and children for their hard work and effort!   We saw lots of amazing work!

Nursery Sports

On Thursday the 8th of June, at Ladyloan primary school, the nursery took part in a sports day, the activities were similar to the older primary’s sports day, except for a few stations. Parents were welcome to come along and many parents did attend. Some of the activities included egg and spoon races, beanbag balancing races, running, crawling races, hockey stick, balloon races and a race to pick a flower and give it to their parent. A few primary sevens volunteered to help out with some of the stations and had lots of fun with the children. Medals, certificates and ice lollies were given to the children after the event.

Chance and Probability

On Friday 9th of June Primary 4 brought in Pokémon cards, bingo, Yu-Gi-Oh, Perudo and Top Trumps.  In groups, we played each of the games to practise our chance and probability skills.  This was a fun way to do maths.

“It was really great and I want to do it again!” – Takya

“It was a really fun way of learning more chance and probability” – Freya

“It was really fun and I can’t wait to do it again!” – Jack

“It was amazing, epic and fun!” – Pearce


Ladyloan Fun Day!

The school fun day was really exciting there was stalls and a bouncy castle!  It was a nice day and hopefully the school raised a lot of money. There were drinks and food  in the gym hall there were dancers and more stalls to buy stuff from. There were cupcakes to buy there! It was nice to go to school and not have to work at all! There was a tombola and teddies to be won. Everyone enjoyed it! There was a fire engine as well go, sit in and look at.

By Ian and Katie P4