Monthly Archives: May 2017

Arbroath Relay Event

Eight P6’s competed in a relay completion with other schools in Angus. Mrs McInally helped us to get better with our baton passing skills. Everybody got to race in different heats. There was a race between the P6 girls and boys to see who would compete, the girls chosen were, Amelie, Beth, Ellie and Daisy and the boys were Kyle F, Leo, Angus and Michael. The girls came 3rd and the boys came 5th. Everyone that was chosen was proud to represent our school.

By Amelie and Beth

Target Practise in P3!!!

In Primary 3 we have been learning about energy and forces. We have been making marshmallow shooters to perform potential and kinetic energy. We used a paper cup, a balloon, tape and marshmallows. To make it you have to cut the bottom of the paper cup and then you tie a knot on the balloon. Cut a little bit at the top of the balloon then get your paper cup and put the balloon on the bottom of the cup. Then put the marshmallow in the cup pull back the balloon and it will shoot the marshmallow. It was fun!

We were also making ramps for toy cars to learn about friction. We used construction materials to build our own ramps. Then we measured how far the car would go over different surfaces. It was awesome! 

By Nadine and Jamie (P3)

STEM Celebration Event

Primary sevens from all over the cluster gathered together for the Primary Engineering Awards at Arbroath High School to display their models and some were even given prizes for design and how well the wheels turned. 

From our school, two exceptional pupils (Connor Ruxton and Brendan Brogan)  won the ‘Apprentice’ award which was an award for the shoe box model without a motor.  Many talented pupils went up to the high school but only a few could win. 

Everyone at Ladyloan were very proud of Brendan and Connor and themselves, getting lots of praise back at school.  

Written by Ellee


Mythical Creatures of Scotland

The P6’s are learning about some of Scotland’s myths and legends. The P6’s will be sharing some of them. This will become a series that will last for 7 weeks.

This week it’s Kelpies!!

A Kelpie is a beautiful stallion. But when you get on its back you are stuck. You cannot get off it and the horse will drag you down to the bottom of the lochs or seas and drown you. They are usually black and their mane is wet. The only way to control it is to take and keep it’s bridle. In one video that P6’s have watched is that there was a man that took a picture and he sat on a kelpie, drowned and he was not on the picture, his soul was gone forever. The Kelpie would appear as a tame pony. Never touch or ride a Kelpie!

By Lydie and Amelie