Mythical Creatures of Scotland

The P6’s are learning about some of Scotland’s myths and legends. The P6’s will be sharing some of them. This will become a series that will last for 7 weeks.

This week it’s Kelpies!!

A Kelpie is a beautiful stallion. But when you get on its back you are stuck. You cannot get off it and the horse will drag you down to the bottom of the lochs or seas and drown you. They are usually black and their mane is wet. The only way to control it is to take and keep it’s bridle. In one video that P6’s have watched is that there was a man that took a picture and he sat on a kelpie, drowned and he was not on the picture, his soul was gone forever. The Kelpie would appear as a tame pony. Never touch or ride a Kelpie!

By Lydie and Amelie

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