Monthly Archives: May 2017

Badminton Festival

P5 went to the Saltire Centre for a badminton festival. We played lots of different games and also learnt new techniques like how to hold the racquet.  We had 10 minutes at each station everyone enjoyed themselves and there were two other schools there, Wardykes and Hayshead.  Every school got a certificate at the end and everyone also got a different coloured wrist band.

The Redcaps!

The redcaps are murderous goblins, elves, dwarfs or fairies. They are said to kill travellers that stray into their home and they dye their hats with the blood of their victims for which they get their name. The redcaps must kill regularly because if the blood staining their hats dries out they will die! Redcaps are extremely fast, outrunning a Redcap is supposedly impossible. Mostly they have a pikestaff in their left hand.

By Amelie

Rocket Launching in P3

Primary 3 have been making balloon rockets this week as part of our energy and forces topic. We used a balloon, a straw, some string and a paper rocket. First you colour in your paper rocket then you cut it out. We put a straw on the back of our rockets then blew up our balloons and stuck it on. We put the string through the straw and let go of the balloon and it shot across the classroom! The air coming out of the balloon made the rockets go really fast. It was cool!


By Jamie

Arbroath Abbey P4

We made mini booklets here’s some pictures:

When we went to the Abbey we first walked in to the Abbey we went to the Abbot’s house to put our packed lunches down around the edge of the room, then we went to explore the Abbot’s house. We saw what how graves were sealed so that people didn’t dig them up for scientific research to see how old they are.

Here’s a fact there are spiral staircases for a reason so if there were intruders because it would be easier to fight walking backwards up the stairs than it is walking up. Once we were finished in the Abbot’s house we had our snacks then went SHOCKINGLY up more spiral stairs to get to the viewing point to see the whole Abbey:

Then we had to pretend to sleep as Monks and wake up to do our prayers and eat then we had our lunch after our lunch we measured how tall the Abby is it was 32 metres tall!!!  And from the start of the pillars to the end of them was 43 metres long.

Jack, Aiden and Murrin dressed up as Monks. Here are some pictures and Jack’s costume was too big for him.

We all had a great day and would like to thank Astrid from Historic Scotland for making it such a good day.

By Thomas.










Ed Smith

On Saturday 20th May 2017 the footballers that were picked for the Ed Smith tournament managed to gain medals and a trophy for coming runners-up.

All of them were excellent and a special shout-out to Kyle Fraser, Ryan Paterson and Leo Elder who played 100 minutes of football that day.

They played at Inverbrothock Primary School and their first game was against Wardykes Primary and won 6-0. Next we played St Thomas and Ryan scored the winning goal to guarantee a space at Hayshead.  Leo saved the 2-1 lead with an outstanding save! Their next game was against Timmergreens with Kyle scoring the winner.

They travelled to Hayshead and played the team with the home advantage (Hayshead) within a couple of minutes Kyle scored the opening goal and not long later Ryan scored a free kick from behind the half way line and the game ended 5-4 Ladyloan that put them into the final!

Unluckily Ladyloan lost that game but congratulations to Muirfield Primary who won the tournament well done to absolutely everyone!

A big shout out to the managers and coaches who took the time out of their Saturday for these children and same to the parents and carers.

Well done Ladyloan!

 This was the team; Leo (goalkeeper) and the outfield players starting with the defence Emi, Kyle D, Arran and Michael now the midfield Ryan (captain) Jake now the attackers Kyle F and Kieran.