Health Week 2016

Our parent helpers organised and prepared a fantastic spread for a tuck shop taster session. All classes were able to come along and encouraged to try some healthy snacks that they had never had before. Huge thanks to all the mums who helped!

Health Week 2016

It’s been an action packed Health Week so far and here are some of the activities that have kept us busy! We have also had reflexology, pilates and meditation.

Primary 4 Enterprise


This term P4 opened their own café as an enterprise project. This opportunity helped us to develop a number of skills for learning, life and work in the process.

  • Learning about hygiene before and during food preparation
  • Practising measurement when weighing ingredients and finding the correct volumes
  • Finding out about profit/loss and what makes a business successful
  • Learning about money, addition and subtraction so that we can calculate totals and change at our till
  • Learning about safety while preparing and cooking food
  • Practising our communication skills when interacting with customers
  • Experiencing the variety of roles which make up one business

Our café was very well attended each week and we averaged over 50 guests on each of the five occasions that we opened. Before deducting the cost of equipment that we purchased for the café, we made a total profit of £835.75!

Due to the success of Dronley Delights café, we have covered all of the costs for a class trip to Edinburgh Zoo.  The children have decided that they would like to donate a further £300 to Guide Dogs for the Blind. We look forward to a visit from a dog and one of the trainers in the final week of term.

Dronley Delights would not have been so successful without the overwhelming generosity and support of the school community. Thank you to all of the adult volunteers who helped in school with baking, running the café and doing dishes! Thanks also to those who were busy baking at home and who generously donated items for sale. A special thanks to Mrs Reid for running a very successful after-school cooking club. The club was attended by 19 pupils across the four occasions it ran and was a lot of fun.

We thoroughly enjoyed the experience and hope that you did too!

Mr Johnston


Careers Fair

Written by Primary 7

Yesterday Birkhill Primary School held their first Careers Fair for children in the Primary 6 and 7 classes. We had a variety of speakers who came in to visit us. Some of the jobs included; forensic examiner, beauty therapist, civil engineer, police inspector, business owner, sports coach and lots more interesting careers. We had great fun planning and organising the Careers Fair.

We learned some valuable skills for life and work such as writing letters to professionals and writing our own CVs to highlight our skills and strengths. We also enjoyed participating in the team building activities halfway through the Careers Fair.

We would like to thank Mrs Ford from Monifieth High School for planning these activities and supporting this event. We would also like to thank Mel from CITB for his inspiring speech at the beginning and end of the fair. We even had helpers from our Primary 4 community café, Dronley Delights, to serve our guests refreshments. Thank you to all involved.

We had a great time at the Careers Fair and would like to take this opportunity to thank all the speakers who took part and made this event such a successful one.

Helana Storrie, Iona Cavill and Cameron Bell

Outdoor Learning

Outdoor learning at its best today! While the P4 and 5 classes do PE in the background, P6 are out measuring the playground in their maths lesson. We are so lucky to have the outdoor space at Birkhill and look at that view!

Getting it right for every child at Birkhill

Over the past few months our Health and Wellbeing Committee have been carrying out a whole school survey based on the wellbeing indicators developed from the GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child) approach.

These wellbeing indicators devised by the Scottish government, represent the basic requirements for all children and young people to grow and develop and reach their full potential. The 8 indicators, often shortened to SHANARRI are: Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible and Included.

We wanted to see if we were getting it right for every child at Birkhill so we asked a set of questions and asked pupils to explain their answers. This has helped us see what we are doing well and what we need to work on.

We created a display to show our responses:

HWB Display


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