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Yet again this year we had another fantastic Health Week with so many visitors! As well as all the visitors shown in the photos above we also had our Sports Day and the finals of our Birkie’s Got Talent competition.

Unfortunately the weather was against us on Wednesday and we had to cancel our whole school trip to Camperdown Park. This didn’t dampen our spirits and the classrooms were a hive of activity all day!

New Playground Markings!

Thanks to our wonderful Parent Council, Birkhill pupils were given a lovely surprise today when they returned from their Easter break.  Since the beginning of the year, our Health and Wellbeing Committee have been working on ideas to make our playground a happier place to be.  They asked their fellow pupils and worked together to come up with 5 playground markings they thought would encourage imaginative play, team work, social skills and fitness.

Thanks to money donated by the Parent Council we were able to get a company in during the holidays to make their ideas a reality! We now have a large Snakes and Ladders, a standing long jump, a target throw,  hopscotch and a large road/cycle track.

There were lots of smiling faces in the playground today!

Cross Country Runners

Our cross country runners did a great job last Friday at the Angus School Championships at Monikie Park. The pupils have been practising every Friday since the beginning of term and showed perseverance and determination. Well done!

Primary Two Football Festival

The Primary Twos had a great morning at Seaview Primary School on Monday morning when they took part in a football festival run by Angus Active Schools. The fun event  involved 5-a-side matches with other primary schools in the Monifieth cluster.

Not only did the children have fun, they made new friends and improved their skills at the same time!



Classroom of the Future

Mrs Jenkins, our P6 teacher, applied to introduce a ‘classroom of the future’ at Birkhill Primary School. She was successful in her application bid and got not only new technology for the school but also new furniture to help pupils with focus and concentration. P6 may have the chance to sit on yoga balls and wobbly stools in the near future!

Girls playing on the ActivTable at Golden Time
Girls playing on the ActivTable at Golden Time

Last term, the P6 class did a topic on technology and had the opportunity to visit Sky Academy Skills Studios in Livingston. The pupils took on a variety of roles to create their own news broadcast about technology within the classroom.

Our touch screen whiteboard

Following their visit, P6 also had the chance to learn about coding. They are looking forward to seeing how the classroom may change as new things are introduced.

Using apps to help us with our maths work

Article written by Zara & Sarah


This morning we had Clare Chapman from Wateraid who spoke to the P.4-7 pupils about her most recent visit to Uganda. She told us how the children there have to walk up to 4km twice a day  just to get drinking water!

She showed us photographs of the work Wateraid had been doing to help build toilets and sewage drains. The £441 we raised through our Pupil Pipeline event last year will go towards funding future projects like this.

It made us realise how lucky we are to live where we do!

Fun in Athletics


Lisa Houston, development officer for Angus Alive, introducing the event.
Lisa Houston, development officer for Angus Alive, introducing the event.

A team of P7s from Birkhill Primary had so much fun participating in the annual Monifieth Fun In Athletics competition. Our team performed really well in the track and field events and came in second place overall. We would like to thank Jo Whaite (our Active Schools Co-ordinator) for helping to organise the event. We’d also like to thank the team of Dundee & Angus College students for overseeing the events and demonstrating the different skills for us each time.

Article written by Zara

Some of P7 javelin competitors

House Captains

This term P7B & P7J have been studying democracy as our topic. We have been learning about voting systems, voting behaviour, leadership systems and much more.

To practise what we have been learning, we held an election for our house captains. We decided to use the First Past The Post voting system and we prepared by writing persuasive speeches and posters/rosettes. We invited all of the pupils from each of the different houses to the upper area and we divided across four classrooms. We had lots of great candidates but our winners were…

Our new Wallace house captains
Our new Wallace house captains
Two of our new Gray house captains
Two of our new Gray house captains
Two of our new Duncan house captains
Two of our new Duncan house captains
Two of our new Bruce house captains
Two of our new Bruce house captains

Today we ended our topic with a visit from our local MSP, Graeme Dey. We prepared around 40 higher order questions to ask him and learned a huge amount about his work and what’s going on in the Scottish Parliament right now.

Article written by Zara, Sarah & Alan