Tag Archives: Literacy

Beach Photostory

Sorry for the late posting – the technology has been getting the better of me!  The class have produced some brilliant photostories last term to show all of their learning about the beach.  I wanted to up-load one to teacherstube and then embed it into the blog.  It took ages to up-load and then I found out it couldn’t embed into the Glow Blog anyway!

So, here is the link to it – I think it is pretty good.


Discovery Film Festival

Primary 7 went to the DCA on Tuesday to see five short films they were called ‘The Lost Thing’, ‘I Am Round’, ‘The Little Boy And The Beast’,’Sleeping beauty’ and ‘Wee Wise Words’. Each one lasted 4-16 minutes.Each one had their own meaning. Back in class we discussed the meaning behind the film. Everyone shared what they thought.

This is the trailer for ‘The Lost Thing’.

We are going to try some art work in class in the style of Shaun Tan. Maybe we will post up the results!