This is Ryan doing a hand stand In P.E we were mainly learning about doing a hand stand and we are learning about Gymnastics this term. we were all trying to do a hand stand in P.E.
Primary 7 enjoyed a judo taster session on Monday instead of their normal gym time. Pupils learned about different holds and throws and even had a chance to have a tussle with the expert trainers. It certainly enthused a number of the pupils to think about taking up Judo as a sport.
Today P7 had gym and we did handball. It was really fun and we enjoyed doing it. We were in teams and had a mini competition. There was 5 teams all together and we all worked hard together to score goals!
Yesterday P7 had a dance instructor in to teach us some dancing. We learned the New Zealand rugby players Haka and an Indian dance. In the Indian dance there was a lot of hand movements. We were all feirce during the Haka. We had lots of fun doing it and hope the other classes enjoyed it too!