We have been doing gymnastics in gym like forward rolls, handstands, using the wallbars and balancing.
On Wednesday 8th of November 2011 !!!!!!!
We have been doing gymnastics in gym like forward rolls, handstands, using the wallbars and balancing.
On Wednesday 8th of November 2011 !!!!!!!
The Art teacher was working with us on Friday and showed us some nice techniques for watercolour. We had to remember background, middleground and foreground. The background was lighter colours, using a colour wash. The foreground is supposed to be stronger colour – we did this later with paint when the background was dry. We are hoping to use these techniques to do some art work in the style of Shaun Tan. We will post some pictures up soon of these!
Sorry for the late posting – the technology has been getting the better of me! The class have produced some brilliant photostories last term to show all of their learning about the beach. I wanted to up-load one to teacherstube and then embed it into the blog. It took ages to up-load and then I found out it couldn’t embed into the Glow Blog anyway!
So, here is the link to it – I think it is pretty good.
Primary 7 went to the DCA on Tuesday to see five short films they were called ‘The Lost Thing’, ‘I Am Round’, ‘The Little Boy And The Beast’,’Sleeping beauty’ and ‘Wee Wise Words’. Each one lasted 4-16 minutes.Each one had their own meaning. Back in class we discussed the meaning behind the film. Everyone shared what they thought.
This is the trailer for ‘The Lost Thing’.
We are going to try some art work in class in the style of Shaun Tan. Maybe we will post up the results!
This is primary 7 gardening in our school grounds. Jamie ran around with a barrel all afternoon.We were all getting all the weeds from the school garden and putting compost around fruit trees.The girls were in the vegetable patch digging out all the weeds and taking some of the vegetables back to school. Some people were digging up compost to put in the barrel to put around the fruit trees.
Pupil council were going around the classes talking about Peel 2 Save If you buy a peel 2 save card you will get alot of vouchers. That will save you money and will get our school lots of money and that will get us a stage and a seat. The cards are £10.The class that sells the most cards will get a non uniform day.
We were outside in the school garden today to see how many colours we could find. Then we took bits of the colour and put them on our sticky tape to remind us of all the colours in the school grounds. Then we did six sketches of what we saw, we had to make the pictures either close up or far away. We are going to use all this information to make watercolour pictures in our classroom. 😀